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《灵界经历》 第5065节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5065

5065. Those who are so stubborn that they cannot be purged on account of their harsh obstinacy or be deterred by fear of punishment, as those who climb up from the hells and cannot be held there, are led to great quagmires that lie round about and constitute boundaries between the planets and are cast into them, from which they are unable to climb out. The gang there cannot be counted, and the space cannot be measured. Certain are purged along the way, which happens in an hour's time, because along the way there are those who subdue them. This is what happened with the Hesseliuses, with Lars Benzelst[ierna] 1, with some of the Benzeliuses, with Nerez 2, and, as was seen, with a certain noteworthy magician. A tawny, sulfurous substance appeared there, arising from the fire of hatreds and the lusts of evil.


1. See footnoted information on him in passage 4851.

2. See footnoted information on him in passage 4995.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5065

5065. Those who are so stubborn, that, on account of their stubbornness and hardness, they cannot be vastated nor deterred by punishments - as, for instance, those who ascend from the hells, and cannot be detained there - are led to great abysses, which are situated round about and divide between the earths, and are cast into them - whence they are not able to ascend. There is an innumerable crowd there and an immense space. Some are vastated on the way, and in this manner, for the period of an hour; for, on the way, are those who reduce them to subjection. It so happened with the Hesseliuses, with Lars Benzelstjerna, with some of the Benzeliuses, with Nerez, [and] with a certain famous magician, as was seen. There appears there a sulphurous burning, from the fire of hatreds and the cupidity of evil.

Experientiae Spirituales 5065 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5065. Illi qui ita contumaces sunt, ut non possint vastari ob contumaciam et duritiem, nec absterreri punitionibus, ut qui ex infernis ascendunt, nec ibi contineri possunt, ducuntur ad voragines magnas quae circumcirca, et disterminant tellures, et illuc conjiciuntur, unde non possunt ascendere, est ibi innumerabilis turba, et spatium immensum; quidam in via vastantur, et ita per horarium tempus, nam in via sunt qui domant illos; ita factum est cum Hesseliis, cum Lars Benzelst., cum Benzeliis quibusdam, cum Nerez, cum quodam insigni mago, quod visum, ibi apparet sulphuree flavum, ex igne odiorum et cupiditatum mali.

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