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《灵界经历》 第5066节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5066

5066. Those who harass the good the most in the other life are those who have put everything of religion and salvation in faith alone and confirmed this belief [in themselves] and nevertheless have not [actually] lived according to the Lord's commandments but have led a life filled with cunning, hostility, hatreds, acts of vengeance, and the like, so they have not lived the life of faith. There is an enormous number of these. They also believe that all the evil acts are forgiven, which in the world they believed [were forgiven] by virtue of their going to Church and the holy supper. In the other life these live evilly, following their evil desires, and yet by using their confession of faith they bring themselves into societies. Such spirits also seize the rocks and mountains and unceasingly harass those who are below and act as one with the diabolical gang. Such spirits also are cast down from their rocky and mountainous places and scattered about.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5066

5066. Those who infest the good, in the other life, are, chiefly, those who have placed the whole of religion and salvation in faith alone, and who have confirmed [themselves] in this, and also have not lived according to the precepts of the Lord, but in cunning, enmity, hatreds, revenges and the like; thus, who have not lived the life of faith, - of these there is a vast number. Such also believe, that all the evils which they do, are remitted; which they believed, in the world, [is effected] by their attending church and the Holy Supper. These, in the other life, live ill, according to their evil cupidities; and, yet, by avowel of faith, they let themselves into societies. Such, likewise, occupy rocks and mountains and continually infest those who are below; and they make one with the diabolic crew. Such are also cast down from their rocks and mountains, and scattered round about.

Experientiae Spirituales 5066 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5066. Qui maxime infestant bonos in altera vita, sunt qui posuerunt omne religionis et salvationis in sola fide, et qui confirmaverunt [se] in eo, et tamen non vixerunt secundum praecepta Domini, sed in astutia, in inimicitia, odiis, vindictis et similibus, ita qui nullam vitam fidei vixerunt, horum ingens numerus datur, illi etiam credunt quod omnia mala quae faciunt, remittantur, quod crediderunt in mundo per frequentationem Templi et sanctae coenae; hi in altera vita vivunt male, secundum malas cupiditates, et usque per confessionem fidei immittunt se in societates, tales etiam occupant petras et montes; et continue infestant illos qui infra sunt, et unum faciunt cum diabolica turba, tales etiam e petris et montibus suis dejiciuntur, et circum sparguntur.

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