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《灵界经历》 第5067节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5067

5067. There are also those who do not bother at all about the doctrine of the Church, but only about the Word in its literal sense, which they turn to whatever particular belief they desire and to whatever evil they favor. These are those who in bodily life have placed merit in works. When the goodness of caring concern flows into them from heaven, they then turn the inflow into foul adultery with daughters-in-law. Such things are symbolized [in the Word] by adulteries with daughters-in-law; and because the Jews were such, they are therefore described as originating from adultery with a daughter-in-law.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5067

5067. There are also many who have cared nothing for the doctrine of the Church, but only for the Word in the letter, which they bend to whatever opinion, and to the favoring of whatever evils, they wish. Those who, in the life of the body, placed merit in works, when the goods of charity inflow into them from heaven, turn the influx into foul adulteries with daughters-in-law. Such things are signified by adulteries with daughters-in-law; and, because the Jews were of such a character, therefore their origin is described from adultery with a daughter-in-law.

Experientiae Spirituales 5067 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5067. Sunt etiam plures qui nihil curarunt doctrinam Ecclesiae, sed solum Verbum in litera, quam flectunt ad quamcunque opinionem quam volunt, et ad favorem quorumvis malorum, illi qui in vita corporis posuerunt meritum in operibus, cum apud illos influit bonum charitatis e coelo, tunc vertunt influxum in foedum adulterium cum nuribus, talia significantur per adulteria cum nuribus, et quia tales fuerunt Judaei, ideo describitur illorum origo ex adulterio cum nuru.

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