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《灵界经历》 第5068节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5068

5068. The evil are collected and separated from the good in various ways. This is done especially by evil spirits. They stir them up on every side, and then those who find pleasure in agreeing to and doing just as the evil spirits desire are those who are evil, and those who do not find pleasure in such things are among the good. The amount and nature of the goodness, too, is perceived by the angels in heaven from the Lord and is also seen in the lower realm from the directions the face and body take. Those who turn their eye directly on evil spirits fully agree; those who look to the left or to the right agree more or less; those who avert [their eyes], agree the least; likewise, those who turn their body and give them a cold shoulder, however much they are aroused, are good. From the way the body is turned the nature of the good or evil appears as well. Those who hide themselves in cellars, in cells, and in dark places, all appear and are put in view before them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5068

5068. The evil are gathered together and separated from the good in various ways. This occurs, principally, by means of evil spirits, who stir them up from every side; and, then, those who place delight in consenting and doing as the instigators wish, are those who are evil; while those who do not place delight in such things are among the good. Also, the quantity and quality of the good is perceived by the angels in the heavens, from the Lord; and it also appears in a lower sphere, by the direction of the face and body. Those who turn the eye directly upon an evil spirit consent freely; those who [turn it] to the left and right, [consent] more or less; those who turn themselves away, [consent] least: also, those who bend the body and oppose the shoulders no matter how they may be incited, are good. From the deportment of the body, also, the quality of the good and evil appears. Those who conceal themselves, in caves, in rooms, in gloomy places, all come to light and are presented before the angels.

Experientiae Spirituales 5068 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5068. Colliguntur et separantur mali a bonis variis modis, hoc fit imprimis per malos spiritus, qui excitant illos undequaque, et tunc qui jucundum ponunt in consentiendo, et faciendo, sicut illi volunt, sunt qui mali, et qui non jucundum ponunt in talibus, inter bonos sunt, etiam quantum et quale boni percipitur ab angelis in coelis ex Domino, et quoque apparet in inferiore sphaera, per directiones faciei et corporis, qui oculum vertunt directe ad malum spiritum, plene consentiunt, qui ad sinistrum et ad dextrum, magis et minus, qui se avertunt minime; etiam qui inclinant corpus, opponunt humeros, utcunque excitantur, boni sunt, ex plicatione corporis etiam apparet quale boni vel mali; qui se abdunt in cryptis, in conclavibus, in tenebricosis locis, omnes apparent, et sistuntur coram.

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