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《灵界经历》 第5069节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5069

5069. When several thousand were separated this way, I also saw that a certain spirit with a flag came and crossed over the mountains and rocks and waved a flag on his way through and that then everyone appeared as it were enveloped by the flag. Nevertheless it was an appearance, because they had become delirious and were no longer able to find their homes. Their houses appear to have been destroyed, so that they were unable to go in anywhere, no differently than as is said of the inhabitants of Sodom that they were struck with blindness and could not find their houses [Gen. 19:11]; and this happened in an hour's time to many thousands. But still then they would not desist and they kept on afterwards as before, just as is said of the inhabitants of Sodom. Another spirit with a flag followed, waving it a second time and also a third, and still they would not desist. On account of this, those who were like this were then cast down from the rocks and mountains.

5069. [1/2]. There is an abyss on the left in a long tract where those are sent who on account of their stubbornness and obstinacy cannot otherwise be tamed. Those who were put into this abyss remain there. Round about at the sides there are individuals from various nations. Each nation is separated from the others, and those who were in cities there live in cities. There is also a Stockholm there and likewise other cities. Also, those are seen there who [were in these cities] in the world.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5069

5069. I also saw, when many thousands had been thus separated, that a certain spirit came with a banner, and passed over the mountains and rocks, and waved the banner in passing, and that then they all appeared, as it were, enfolded in the banner; which, nevertheless, was an appearance: the fact is, they became crazy, and were no longer able to find their houses; their houses appeared destroyed, so that there was nowhere for them to go into. The case was no otherwise than as it is said of the inhabitants of Sodom, that they were struck with blindness so that they could not find their houses; and this befell even very many thousands, for an hour's time. Another spirit followed with the banner, and waved it a second and also a third time, and still did not desist; wherefore, they who were such were then cast down from the rocks and mountains.

5069a. There is a gulf, in an extensive region at the left, whither those are sent, who, on account of stubbornness and obstinacy, cannot otherwise be subdued. Those who are put into that abyss, remain there. Round about there, at the sides, are persons from different nations; every [nation] is separated from the others; and city-dwellers dwell in cities there. There is also a Stockholm, there; and thus other cities. There, also, appear those who are [still] in the world.

Experientiae Spirituales 5069 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5069. Vidi etiam, quando ita separati ad plura millia, quod quidam spiritus cum vexillo venerit, et transiverit montes et petras, et agitaverit vexillum in pertranseundo, et quod tunc omnes apparebant sicut involuti vexillo, quod tamen erat apparentia, facti enim sunt deliri, et non potuerunt amplius invenire domos, apparebant domus eorum destructae, sic ut nullibi possent intrare, non aliter ac sicut dicitur de incolis Sodomae, quod coecitate percussi ut non invenirent domos suas [Gen. XIX: 11], et hoc factum per horarium tempus usque ad perplura millia; sed usque nec tunc desistebant, perstabant postea sicut prius, pariter ac de incolis Sodomae dicitur; successit alter spiritus cum vexillo et cum agitatione ejus secundo, et quoque tertio et usque non desistebant, quapropter tunc dejecti sunt e petris et montibus qui tales.

5069 [1/[2]. Est vorago ad sinistrum longo tractu, quo mittuntur illi, qui propter contumaciam et obstinationem aliter domari non possunt, qui immissi voragini illi, manent, circumcirca ad latera ibi sunt ex variis nationibus, quaevis separata ab altera, et qui in urbibus ibi, habitant in urbibus, est ibi quoque Stockholmia, ita aliae urbes, ibi quoque apparent illi qui in mundo.

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