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《灵界经历》 第5070节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5070

5070. There are five kinds of spirits who climb up on the rocks and on the mountains and are nevertheless cast down from them: I) There is the kind who believe that faith alone saves and are not at all concerned about the life of faith, that is to say, life according to the Lord's Commandments. These are such as act as a one with spirits of hell and persecute the good and in fact persecute all those who overall profess charity. They are persecuted in various ways. This is manifested in the desire of these spirits to break up marriage and to whore. Breaking up marriages as well as whoring is their delight because marriages are related to the marriage of good in truth, and where this is at issue, this [delight] descends into loosing a wife from her husband, which has been demonstrated over a long period and many times. It is also shown in their whoring, for they have goat-like passion for whoring because whoring descends into those who are like this.

[2] II) There are those who have charity as regards what they say with their mouth, but not so far as its reception in their heart, because they do not live a life of charitable concern. These are those who attack faith and also break up marriages and whore.

[3] III) There are those who have outward holiness and no inward holiness. Even the evil have outward holiness, but because they do not care about being spiritually alive, they have no inward holiness.

[4] IV) In general all these are focused on the letter of the Word and not on any doctrine from the Word. They know something from the Word and apply it to whatever they want. They make up explanations to favor all their desires and so absolve themselves of guilt. Most of them do not care about the doctrine of the church, which nevertheless can be like a light to them for seeing the genuine meaning of the Word. There are those, such as church leaders, who care about it, but still do not care about how they live. Most people today are like this, whom they nonetheless call Christians.

[5] V) There are those who have a life of piety and who have nothing of charity, who meditate piously and by so doing make a false show of holiness. They also study the Word and the doctrine of the church, but only for themselves. They say besides that everyone ought to sweep his own doorway. In outward form these do appear as if they were holy, but yet they do not have the life of charitableness; they do not want to share their meditations with others either verbally or in writing. In a word, they live for themselves and not for others. For others they are a source of anxiety and of aversion for the things of the church because they look down on others in comparison with themselves and also place merit in these things. They lament vehemently when they are rejected, believing that everything of the Church consisted in a life of piety alone.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5070

5070. There are five kinds of spirits who go up upon the rocks and upon the mountains, and yet are cast down therefrom:

(1) There is a kind who believe that faith alone saves, and care nothing for the life of faith, or a life according to the precepts of the Lord. These are such as act as one with the infernal spirits, and persecute the good; and, indeed, they persecute, in various ways, all those who profess charity as well as faith - which was shown by their desiring to dissolve marriages and to commit whoredom. To dissolve marriages, and also to commit whoredom, is their delight. The reason is, because marriages refer to the marriages of good and truth; and where this [faith alone] is, it falls into [the outward representative of] the separation of wife from husband, as was shown for a long time, and in many ways. Similar, also, is the reason that they commit whoredom; for they burn with the lust of whoredom like goats, because whoredom accords with those who are of such a character.

(2) There are those who are in charity as regards the confession of the mouth, but not as regards reception in the heart; for they do not live the life of charity. These are the persecutors of faith; and they, also, dissolve marriages and commit whoredom.

(3) There are those who are in external holiness and not internal. The evil, also, are wont to be in external holiness; but, inasmuch as they have no regard to the life, therefore they have no internal holiness.

(4) In general, all those who are in the sense of the letter of the Word and not in any doctrine from the Word. They know something from the Word, and apply it to whatsoever purpose they wish. They explain it in favor of all the cupidities in which they are; and so make themselves out innocent. Most of them do not care for the doctrine of the Church, which, nevertheless, is capable of being to them like a lamp for seeing the genuine sense of the Word: there are some, also, who do care [for the doctrine of the Church], as, for example, the prelates, but, yet, have no regard for the life. There are many such, at the present day, who yet pass for Christians.

(5) There are those who are in a life of piety and in no life of charity who meditate piously, and thereby affect sanctity: these also study the Word, and the doctrine of the Church, but only for the sake of self. They say, also, that everyone ought to cleanse his own door; they also appear as holy in external form, but, still, they have had no life of charity. They are not willing to communicate their meditations to others, either orally, or by writings. In a word, they live for themselves and not for others. They cause anxiety to others, and an aversion for those things which are of the Church; for they despise others in comparison with themselves, and also put merit in those pieties in which they engage. They lament exceedingly when they are rejected, believing that the all of the Church consisted in a life of piety alone.

Experientiae Spirituales 5070 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5070. Sunt quinque genera spirituum, qui ascendunt super petras, et super montes, et tamen inde dejiciuntur;

I) genus est, qui credunt quod sola fides salvet, et nihil curant vitam fidei, seu vitam secundum praecepta Domini, illi sunt tales, ut cum spiritibus infernalibus unum agant, et persequantur bonos, et quidem omnes illos qui simul profitentur charitatem, persequuntur variis modis, quod ostensum per quod cupiant solvere conjugia, et scortari; solvere conjugia illorum jucundum est, etiam scortari; causa est, quia conjugia referunt conjugium boni et veri, et ubi id est, cadit hoc in solutionem uxoris a marito, quod diu et multis ostensum est; et quoque quod scortentur, ardent enim libidine scortandi sicut hirci, scortatio enim cadit in illos qui tales sunt.

II) Sunt qui in charitate quoad confessionem oris, et non quoad receptionem corde, vivunt enim non vitam charitatis, hi persequutores fidei sunt, et quoque solvunt conjugia, et scortantur.

III) Sunt qui in sancto externo et nullo interno; in sancto externo solent etiam esse mali, sed quia non curant vitam, ideo non illis est sanctum internum.

IV) In genere sunt omnes illi in sensu literae Verbi, et non in aliqua doctrina ex Verbo, sciunt aliquid ex Verbo, et applicant ad quodcunque velint, explicant illi ad favorem omnium cupiditatum, in quibus sunt, et sic se insontes faciunt, plerique ex illis non curant doctrinam Ecclesiae, quae tamen illis potest esse sicut lucerna, ad videndum sensum Verbi genuinum, sunt qui curant, sicut antistites, sed usque non curant vitam. Tales sunt hodie plerique, qui tamen audiunt Christiani.

V) Sunt qui in vita pietatis sunt, et in nulla charitatis, qui pie meditantur, et per id affectant sanctitatem, etiam student Verbo, ac doctrinae Ecclesiae, sed solum pro se, dicunt etiam quod quisque ad suam januam verrere debeat, illi quoque apparent in externa forma sicut sancti, sed usque nullam vitam charitatis habuerunt, non volunt communicare sua meditata cum aliis neque ore neque scriptis, verbo sibi vivunt et non aliis, illi causntur anxium apud alios, et aversationem quoad illa quae Ecclesiae sunt, quia contemnunt alios prae se, et quoque meritum ponunt in illis, valde lamentantur cum rejiciuntur, credentes quod in sola vita pietatis omne Ecclesiae constiterit.

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