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《灵界经历》 第507节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 507

507. The dragon's nature 1It is the nature of the dragon, spoken of [501-505], take notice of all the least things, so that he does not let anything, either inward or outward, pass him by. Thus he keeps his eyes alert, mixing into every single thing then covers up the trails by every means he knows, including denials, so it will not appear that anything came from him - except when he breaks out in overt anger. Then he blasphemes, brings forth his inner hatred, spares no one who is not a worshipper of him, seeks fortify himself in every way so as not be overthrow When thrust down, he keeps on reaching for higher things he is also skilled through continual practice in every kind of subterfuge, exercising many of them, including some that are very filthy would involve him prostituting himself. These he also practices in anger, nor could it be otherwise, due a habit of so many years due the great number of spirits together breathing into him as their own focal point, of whom he is the ultimate medium. There are, in fact, many who are likewise dragons, but they relate him as their idol. This is why he has this nature, for if he were be deprived of worshippers, he would be capable of nothing. This is the chief the God of the Jews in the life after death, as well as of all those who are evil, even among Christians so-called, all of whom he champions. 1748, the 22nd day of January.


1. The manuscript has no paragraph 506.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 507


The dragon (concerning whom see above [nos. 501-505) is such that he is intent upon each and everything, so that he suffers nothing to pass by whether interior or exterior; thus he has watchful eyes, and he mixes himself up with each and all things, and by every means in his power blocks up the ways lest anything should appear to be from him. He also does this by denials, except when he breaks out into open anger, and then he blasphemes, bears internal hatred, and spares no one unless he be one of his adorers. He seeks to fortify himself in every way, lest he should be overthrown. When thrust down he strives continually after higher things. Moreover, from continued practice he is skilful in all the arts, and exercises many of them; there are also those which are quite foul, with which he has prostituted himself. He also exercises those arts in anger, nor can he do anything else of himself, or from the custom of so many years, and also from so many spirits who breathe together into him as into their own center, of whom he is the ultimate subject. There are indeed many who are likewise dragons, but these refer themselves to him as their idol; hence he is of such a nature, for if he were destitute of adorers, he would be capable of nothing. This dragon is the leader and god of the Jews in the life after death, as well also as of all the evil, even among the so-called Christians, all of whom he defends. 1748, Jan. 22.


1. There is no n. 506 in the manuscript.

Experientiae Spirituales 507 (original Latin 1748-1764)

507. Draconis natura


Draco, de quo prius [501-505], talis est ut omnibus et singulis intendat, sic ut nihil, quod interius et exterius sit, patiatur praeterlabi, ita suos oculos habet vigiles, et se omnibus et singulis immiscet, praestruitque vias omni suo modo, ne appareat, quod ab eo, etiam per negationes, praeter cum in iram apertam erumpit, tunc blasphemat, odium gerit internum, nulli parcit si non adoratori sui, quaerit se munire omni modo, ne evertatur, detrusus continue superiora affectat, praeterea ex continuo usu callet omnes artes, et plures earum exercet, praeter quae turpiores sunt, quibus se prostitueret, eas etiam exercet in ira, nec aliud potest esse 2

ex 3

consuetudine tot annorum, et ex tot spiritibus, qui conspirant in eum sicut in suum centrum, quorum est ultimum subjectum, sunt quidem plures, qui similiter dracones sunt, verum ii se ad eum referunt, ut suum idolum, inde talis est, nam si destitutus foret adoratoribus, nullius rei capax foret. Hic est Judaeorum antesignanus et Deus, in vita post mortem, praeter etiam malorum omnium, etiam inter Christianos sic dictos, quos omnes patrocinatur. 1748, die 22 Jan.


1. 506 deest

2. In the Manuscript exse in esse emendatum est

3. The Manuscript has vel, in cujus locum autem, conformiter emendationi mox praecedente, ex substituendum esse nobis videtur

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