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《灵界经历》 第501节

(一滴水译本 2020--)

501.龙和他的星辰从天堂朝地狱摔下去,以及他在那里密谋所做的事。从前面(32-35, 417, 461-64, 466, 487节)可以看到,龙和曾是他同伙的其他人从天堂摔下来,即从高高的天堂摔下去,几乎摔到脊髓末端,或生殖器官之下,就是现在他们与他们所迷惑的人一起生活的地方;他们以为他们正走在古老的耶路撒冷和它的泥浆中,不断企图从那里起来,却是不能。我察觉到他们的企图,但他们仍留在低层部分,从那里不断密谋反对天上的事物,事实上是通过不断亵渎与天上的事物相对应的部分所在的区域而如此行的;也就是说,他们亵渎人的最低层部分,就是前后座所在的地方。我整夜都感觉到这一点,但这是没有任何效果的,尽管如我被告知的,亵渎无休无止。他们企图这样做,是因为当他们在高处时,企图通过他们的幻象进入天上事物本身。(1748年1月21日)

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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 501

501. The dragon with his stars was cast out of heaven, toward hell, and what he is up to there [cf. 32-35, 417, 461-464, 466, 487], namely, from the very top of heaven down even lower than under the tail, or the generative members, where they now live, together with those they had led astray, who think they are walking about in ancient Jerusalem and in its mud, and are attempting continually to rise up, but cannot.

I have seen their attempts, but they still remain in the lower parts, and from there they are continuously scheming against the heavenly regions. This they do by aiming unending blasphemies at the province where the parts are that interact with the heavenly regions, to wit, against the lowest human parts, where the front and rear foundation is. I felt this throughout the night, but it was without any effect, even though, as I was told, the blasphemies were unending. They scheme to do this, because when they were up high, they were attempting by means of their fantasies to enter into the heavenly regions themselves. 1748, the 21st day of January.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 501


It may be seen above [nos. 417, 466, 487 that the dragon, together with others who had been his companions, was cast down from heaven, namely, from a lofty heaven, and indeed almost beneath the extremity of the spinal cord, or the organs of generation. There they now dwell with those whom they have seduced, who suppose that they are walking in the old Jerusalem and in its mire, and from there they continually strive to rise higher, but they are unable. I perceived their attempts. But they still remain in the lower parts, and from there labor continually against heavenly things, and indeed with continued blasphemies directed against that province where are those who correspond to celestial things; consequently they labor against the lowest things of man where they have their anterior and posterior seats. I felt this all through the night, but it was without any effect, although, as was said to me, there were continuous blasphemies. This they attempted, because while they were on the heights they tried by their phantasies to enter into celestial things themselves. 1748, Jan. 21.

Experientiae Spirituales 501 (original Latin 1748-1764)

501. Quod dejectus e coelo draco cum stellis, versus infernum et quid ibi molitur [cf. Apoc. XII: 4, 9]

501. Quod dejectus e coelo draco, cum caeteris qui ejus socii fuerant, vide prius [417, 466, 487], nempe e summo coelo, et quidem inferius paene sub cauda, seu membris generationis, ibi nunc habitant, cum iis, quos seduxerunt, qui sibi putant in veteri Hierosolyma ire, inque luto ejus, ac inde superire continuo affectant, sed non possunt; tentationes eorum percepi 1

, sed usque manent in inferioribus, ac inde moliuntur continue contra coelestia, et quidem per blasphemias continuas, quae diriguntur versus provinciam, ubi sunt ii qui 2

correspondent coelestibus, proinde contra infima hominis, ubi sedes ejus anterior et posterior, quod per totam noctem sensi, sed absque ullo effectu, tametsi, ut mihi dicebatur, essent continuae blasphemiae; id moliuntur, quia 3

dum in altis erant, tentabant phantasiis suis in ipsa coelestia intrare. 1748, die 21 Jan.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has percipi forte pro percipi [possunt]

2. The Manuscript has quae

3. nisi legendum quia

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