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《灵界经历》 第5071节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5071

5071. All who come into the other life are purged. Those who were devoted to goodness in the world are purged as to evils and the false ideas stemming from them and then are living in their own good and in the truth stemming from it. Those, however, who had been devoted to evil are purged as to truths and good qualities if there be any, and then they are in their own evil and the false ideas stemming from it. As a consequence the good become images of their own good and the evil images of their own evil. The latter are cast into hell, the former raised into heaven. For some the purgings go on a long time, depending on the amount and nature of the good or evil. They usually go on for several years; and when they are purged they are purged from head to heel because good or evil so inscribes itself in the body.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5071

5071. All who come into the other life are vastated. Those who have been in good, in the world, are vastated as to evils and the falses thence arising; and they are, then, in their own good and in the truth thence arising. But those who have been in evil, are vastated as to truths and goods, if they have any; and they are, then, in their own evil and in the falsity arising from it. Hence, the good become images of their own good, and the evil, images of their own evil. The latter are, thus, cast down into hell; the former are raised up to heaven. Vastations last, with some, a long time, according to the quantity and quality of the good or evil. They are wont to continue for several years; and when persons are vastated, they are vastated from the head even to the heel; for thus has the good, or evil, transcribed itself upon the body.

Experientiae Spirituales 5071 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5071. Omnes qui in alteram vitam veniunt, vastantur, qui in bono fuerunt in mundo vastantur quoad mala et inde falsa, et tunc sunt in suo bono et inde vero, qui autem in malo fuerunt, vastantur quoad vera et bona, si quae sint, et tunc sunt in suo malo et inde falso, inde fiunt boni imagines sui boni, et mali imagines sui mali, hi sic dejiciuntur in infernum, illi elevantur in coelum; vastationes perstant apud quosdam diu, secundum quantum et quale boni aut mali, perstare solent per aliquot annos; et cum vastantur vastantur a capite usque ad calcem, nam sic se bonum aut malum transscripsit in corpus.

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