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《灵界经历》 第5072节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5072

5072. There are also purgings that go on for only a few moments. I sensed some [spirits] in a cave on the left, and it was said they were from another world. These purge outward things which pertained to the world, the inward ones which were useful services [done] for sake of the neighbor and God thus remaining. Those who when in the world had not thought about anything else than themselves and the world have little left to them after purging. They are stupid. But those who have inner qualities on account of useful service to the neighbor, these, when they have been purged, put off worldly things and rejoice that they have been purged in this way. But only those undergo this purging who have been in the other life for some time and as a result of this felt earthly and worldly things disagreeable. There were two of both kinds who were purged in this manner.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5072

5072. There are vastations, also, which only last a few moments. Some persons were perceived in a cave at the left; and it was said that they are from another city. They vastate the externals, which were of the world; the internals, therefore, which appertained to use for the sake of the neighbor and of God, remaining. Those who, in the world, have had no thought but for themselves and the world, have, after vastation, but little remaining. They are stupid. But those whose interiors had regard to uses for the sake of the neighbor, when they are there vastated, throw off worldly things, and rejoice that they are thus vastated. But into this vastation only those are admitted who have been for some time previously in the other life, and thereby perceived disagreeableness in earthly and worldly things. There had been two of each sort thus vastated.

Experientiae Spirituales 5072 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5072. Sunt quoque vastationes quae modo perstant aliquot momentis, percepti [aliqui] in spelunca ad sinistrum, et dictum quod ex alio orbe sint, illi vastant externa, quae fuerunt mundi, remanentibus sic internis, quae fuerunt usus propter proximum ac Deum, qui non aliud cogitarunt in mundo quam semet et mundum, post vastationem parum reliqui habent, sunt stupidi; at qui interiora propter usus proximi habuerunt, illi, cum ibi vastati sunt, exuunt mundana, et gaudent quod sic vastati sunt; sed in hanc vastationem modo illi admittuntur qui aliquo tempore prius fuerunt in altera vita, et per id inamaenum perceperunt in terrestribus et mundanis. Fuerant bini utriusque sortis ita vastati.

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