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《灵界经历》 第5073节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5073

5073. There is a great abyss on the left side into which those in whom both the inner elements have been entirely closed are thrown because they were steeped in nothing other than earthly, bodily, and worldly things from self-love and love of what is worldly. Because they could not be led from heaven but only from hell, consequently, so that they would not be a cause of trouble for the world of spirits, they were thrown into it. An enormous multitude goes there. They are quite stupid and are held in check there by a certain form of government and also withheld as much as possible from inflow from the hells. I saw some there who had appeared learned in the world when nevertheless they had nothing except outward qualities from which they spoke and consequently did so only from others. Those however who had the ability to think on their own and consequently were able to reason for themselves, if they are evil are cast into hell, because they are the opposite to those are in heaven. But those who are in this abyss are not like this. However, when their outward qualities are taken away from them, they rush blindly into all manner of crimes.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5073

5073. There is a great gulf at the left side. Into it are cast those whose interiors, because, owing to the loves of self and the world, they have imbibed nothing but earthly, corporeal and worldly things, are completely shut up; for the reason that they cannot be led from heaven, but only from hell. They are, therefore, cast into that gulf, that they may not infest the world of spirits. A vast multitude walks there. They are exceedingly stupid, and are held in check, there, by a fixed government, and are also shut off, as far as possible, from influx from the hells. I saw there some, who, in the world, have appeared as learned, when, nevertheless, they have possessed nothing but externals: from these they spoke, and thus only from other men. Those, however, who were able to think from themselves, and thus who were able to reason from themselves, are, if evil, cast down into hell; for they are in opposition to those who are in heaven. But those who are in that gulf are not of such a character; but, when externals are taken away from them, they rush blindly into all crimes. I also saw another dispersion of those who are on the mountains. They were dispersed in a moment; and, then, everyone of them was cast into his own place in the hells. Thus was the mountain emptied of the evil, some of the upright remaining.

Experientiae Spirituales 5073 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5073. Est vorago magna ad latus sinistrum, illuc conjiciuntur illi, quibus interiora prorsus occlusa sunt, quia imbuerunt non nisi quam terrestria, corporea, et mundana, ex amoribus sui et mundi, ex causa, quia non possunt duci e coelo, sed solum ex inferno, ne mundum spirituum infestent, ideo illuc conjiciuntur, ibi vadunt ingens multitudo, admodum stupidi, et ibi per regimen certum in fraenis tenentur, et arcentur quoque quantum possibile ab influxu ab infernis; ibi vidi quosdam qui in mundo apparuerunt sicut docti, cum tamen nihil praeter externa habuerint, ex quibus loquuti sunt, et sic modo ex aliis; qui autem ex semet potuerunt cogitare, et sic qui ratiocinari potuerunt ex se, si mali in inferna dejiciuntur, nam illi sunt in opposito illis qui in coelo, at qui in voragine illa sunt, non tales sunt, sed cum externa illis adempta sunt, ruunt coece in omnia scelera.

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