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《灵界经历》 第5074节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5074

5074. Amongst the worst, in the other life, are priests who have been promoted to dignities, and so have thence come, more than others, into the love of self; and whatever they did, they did for the sake of self, their own glory, reputation and honors. Sacred things were employed by them as means. In the other life, when externals are removed, then they rush into all abominations, and into such dreadful crimes that I am unwilling to offend the ears with their recital. Such have been Ericus Benzelius, Jacobus Benzelius and others; and they, when they did anything, [did it] from self-love; they wish to rule over others, and they boast of their merits; when, yet, they possess no communication with heaven, nor any thought as to what heaven is. Amongst the Catholics, are the worst of all those who have been devout in external form, and have been ambitious to become great, and to be considered as holy by this means: these also, in the other life, are the most deceitful; for they look to themselves only, and to heaven on account of self. Such are likewise inmostly evil; for they rush into all the greatest atrocities.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5074

5074. Amongst the worst, in the other life, are priests who have been promoted to dignities, and so have thence come, more than others, into the love of self; and whatever they did, they did for the sake of self, their own glory, reputation and honors. Sacred things were employed by them as means. In the other life, when externals are removed, then they rush into all abominations, and into such dreadful crimes that I am unwilling to offend the ears with their recital. Such have been Ericus Benzelius, Jacobus Benzelius and others; and they, when they did anything, [did it] from self-love; they wish to rule over others, and they boast of their merits; when, yet, they possess no communication with heaven, nor any thought as to what heaven is. Amongst the Catholics, are the worst of all those who have been devout in external form, and have been ambitious to become great, and to be considered as holy by this means: these also, in the other life, are the most deceitful; for they look to themselves only, and to heaven on account of self. Such are likewise inmostly evil; for they rush into all the greatest atrocities.

Experientiae Spirituales 5074 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5074. Inter pessimos in altera vita sunt sacerdotes, qui ad dignitates evecti, et sic in amorem sui prae aliis inde venerunt, et quicquid fecerunt, propter se, suam gloriam, famam ac honores fecerunt, illis sancta fuerunt media, in altera vita, cum auferuntur externa, tunc in omne nefas ruunt, et in tam dira scelera, ut illis recitandis nolim laedere aures; tales fuerunt (E. B. Jac. Ben.) et alii; et illi cum aliquid faciunt ex amore sui, aliis dominari volunt, et meritum jactant, cum tamen nullam habent communicationem cum coelo, nec cogitationem quid coelum.

[2] Inter Catholicos sunt omnium pessimi qui in externa forma devoti fuerunt, et per id ambiverunt magni fieri, et considerari ut sancti, ii quoque in altera vita dolosissimi sunt, nam se solum spectant, et coelum propter se, tales sunt quoque intime mali, nam in omnia scelestissima ruunt. Etiam vidi aliam dissipationem eorum qui super montibus, dissipabantur momento, et tunc quisque eorum conjiciebantur ad locum suum in infernis, sic mons a malis evacuabatur, remanentibus quibusdam probis.

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