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《灵界经历》 第5080节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5080

5080. There are three kinds which it was made possible for me to observe at this time. One kind is in the east, there on a mountain in the same region where the Lord is as the sun, and they adopted for themselves a certain devil, regardless of what his religion was, whom they set before themselves and say he is the Lord, and also, by using fantasies, cause light to appear coming from him so that he is worshiped. Those who are at the sides, both of them, and at the back, seek and receive replies from him and so do harmful things all around, injuring everyone around them who does not acknowledge them. Those on the left side are the evil who said they had Christ with them and wish to be so prestigious that they do not want to be looked at [directly] by anyone, but rather that they should lower their eyes in veneration. But these were cast down and destroyed. On the other side are those who had been more learned. There were also those at the back, who at this devil's command inflicted harm. I saw Jesuits, and I saw others who went in there and made themselves out to be Christ, and saw that they were cast down from there.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5080

5080. There are three kinds, which it was now granted me to observe. One kind is in the east, in the same quarter where the Lord is as the sun, upon a mountain there; and they take to them a certain devil, no matter what may have been his religion, whom they place before themselves and say he is the Lord; and they also cause, by means of phantasies, that a light [lumen] may appear from the place where he is, and, thus, that he is worshipped. They who are at the sides, on each hand and at the back, seek and obtain replies from him, and thus work evils round about, injuring all around who do not acknowledge them. At the left side, are evil ones who declared that they have Christ with them; and these wish to be of so much authority that they desire that no one should look at them, but should drop their eyes in veneration. But they are cast down and stripped of their power. At the other side, are those who were more learned. There are some, also, at the back, who, at command of that devil, commit evils. I saw Jesuits: I saw others, who entered thither, and made themselves out to be Christ; I also saw that they were cast down.

Experientiae Spirituales 5080 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5080. Sunt tria genera quae nunc observare datum est, unum genus est in oriente, in eadem plaga ubi Dominus ut sol, ibi super monte, ac illi asciscunt quendam diabolum ex quacunque religione fuerit, quem ante se ponunt, et dicunt esse Dominus, et quoque per phantasias faciunt, ut appareat inde lumen, sic ut adoretur, qui a lateribus sunt, utrinque, et a tergo, responsa ab illo petunt et obtinent, et sic faciunt mala circumcirca, laedendo omnes qui circumcirca sunt, qui non agnoscunt eos, a latere sinistro sunt mali, qui dixerunt se habere apud se Christum, et tanta auctoritate esse volunt, ut non velint ut ab ullo spectentur, sed ut demittant oculos ex veneratione, sed illi dejecti sunt et destructi; a latere altero sunt qui doctiores fuerunt, erant quoque qui a tergo, qui ex jussu diaboli illius mala inferunt: vidi Jesuitas, vidi alios qui intrarunt illuc et se Christum fecerunt, et quod dejecti fuerint.

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