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《灵界经历》 第5081节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5081

5081. There are others, far behind, in the same quarter. These are the kind that say that they themselves are Christ and, wherever they go, carry with them the aura of the conviction that they are Christ. They mislead many simple and upright spirits, because due to the aura of their conviction these cannot perceive otherwise. They are among the very worst and do evils in secret. From there far behind they send out those who are at the back and plot evil acts in secret. They also are there sent down into hell, but still others come in their place and commit evils under the guise that they have come from Christ and that Christ is acting in them. It is an extremely pernicious gang.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5081

5081. There are others, again, far back in the same quarter. These are such as declare that they are Christ; and, wherever they go, they carry with them a sphere of persuasion that they are Christ. They seduce many simple and upright spirits; for, from the sphere of their persuasion, their victims cannot perceive otherwise [than that they are what they proclaim themselves]. They are among the worst, and do evils in secret. They send thence such as are at the back, and devise evils clandestinely. Those there are also let down into hell; but, still, others come in their place, and, under the pretence that they are from Christ, and that Christ is in them, work evils. They are a most accursed crew.

Experientiae Spirituales 5081 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5081. Sunt alii retro longe, in eadem plaga, illi tales sunt, ut dicant se esse Christum, et ubicunque vadunt ferunt secum sphaeram persuasionis, quod Christus sint, seducunt multos simplices et probos, nam ex sphaera persuasionis illorum non aliter possunt percipere: sunt illi inter pessimos, et mala faciunt in occulto, mittunt inde tales qui a tergo sunt, et in occulto mala machinantur, illi quoque ibi demissi sunt in infernum, sed usque alii loco illorum veniunt, et mala sub specie quod a Christo, et quod Christus in illis faciunt, est turba damnosissima.

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