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《灵界经历》 第5082节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5082

5082. However there are others of the same religion, i.e. Catholics, who worship the Father and do not make much of the Son. They are forward a little to the north on a high mountain and see a certain man with hoary beard on a very high mountain, whom they call God the Father. From him they get commands, even commands to injure people who are not of the Catholic religion. One of them at the command of his colleagues came to me at night in a dream with the intention of injuring me in a dreadful way, at which they are accomplished. But at that instant something like fire from the Lord went out through my eyes, which hit him and knocked him down flat on his back. And when I awoke I spoke with those from whom he had been sent. They said they were on a high mountain and that they had gotten this command from the God the Father, who was on the highest mountain, who had again given the command to destroy me entirely. And when I told them that the one whom they call God the Father was a devil who appeared there, they denied this. They were also shown that the mountain had gaped under him, and he was cast down into hell. However, others appeared as replacements, who were cast down. They said that they knew that those who are there are people, but that God the Father is in them and speaks through them. He appears to sit there on a silver throne. And then when this was looked into, it was found that this is the mountain said to be the mountain of congregation at the sides of the north, where Lucifer is, according to the things said in Isaiah, chapter 19; and so he was Lucifer. And this mountain is at the sides of the north.

They were devils driven by an itching lust to rule who rise up and make themselves God the Father. I read the words of Isaiah before them. The simple-minded among them acknowledged this as true, but not the learned among them such as Jesuits and others, who at heart are atheists. These discussed this, what [the others] were saying, and said that that they would do the same thing, and both persuade the simple that God the Father was there and let such enter on this mountain, which is the mount of the congregation.

[5082] 1/2. A long time after this, a similar one was set up and proclaimed as God the Father; and following [his] exhortation they did not want to stop acknowledging [him]. Therefore an infernal and diabolical [fire] erupted and almost consumed those villainous spirits who had placed such a monster there.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5082

5082. There are others, however, of the same religion, to wit, the Catholic, who worship the Father and do not make much of the Son. These are towards the front, a little to the north, on a lofty mountain; and they see, upon a very high mountain, a certain man with a gray beard, whom they call God the Father; from him they receive commands, even to injure men who are not of the Catholic religion. One of them came to me, in a dream, by night, at the command of his comrades there, with the purpose of injuring me, in a dreadful manner in which they are skilled; but, then, there went out, through my eyes, as it were fire from the Lord, wherewith he was smitten down and laid prostrate; and when I awoke, I spoke with them by whom he was sent. They said that they were on a high mountain, and that they received this command from God the Father, who is on that very high mountain; and that he repeated that command, so that they should destroy me utterly. When I told them that he who appears there, and whom they call God the Father, was a devil, this they denied. It was also shown that the mountain opens under him; and he was cast down into hell But others succeeded him; and they, also, were cast down. The company said that they knew that they are men who are there, but that God the Father speaks in them and by them. He [the personating spirit] appears to sit there on a silver throne; and, when inquiry was made, it turns out that that mountain is the one which is said to be "the mount of assembly in the sides of the north," where Lucifer sits, according to what is said in Isaiah, chap. 14: thus, that he upon the mountain was Lucifer. That mountain, also, is in the sides of the north. They were devils, who, from an itching and lust of ruling, mount up and make themselves out to be God the Father. I read before the company the words of Isaiah. The simple amongst them acknowledged them, but not the learned, such as the Jesuits and others, who are, in heart, atheists. These considered this matter maturely, and came to the conclusion, which they also stated, that they did this to persuade the simple that God the Father is there; and to that mountain, which is the mount of assembly, they admit such simple ones.

5082a. A long time after this, a similar [devil] was set up and proclaimed as God the Father; and, when admonished, they were not willing to desist from acknowledging [him] as such. Therefore, an infernal and diabolical [fire] burst out from that place, and as it were consumed the wretches who set up such a monster there.

Experientiae Spirituales 5082 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5082. Sunt autem alii, ex eadem religione nempe Catholica, qui adorant Patrem, et non multum faciunt Filium, illi sunt antrorsum paulo ad septentrionem, in edito monte, et vident in monte altissimo quendam barba cana virum, quem vocant Deum Patrem, ab illo jussa accipiunt, etiam laedendi homines qui non ex relig. Cathol. sunt; unus ex illis ad me venit noctu in somnio ex mandato sodalium suorum ibi, animo me laedendi diro modo, quem callent, sed tunc per oculos meos exivit sicut ignis a Domino, quo ille perculsus prostratus est supinus, et cum evigilatus loquutus sum cum illis, a quibus is missus, qui dicebant se in alto monte esse, et hoc mandatum accepisse a Deo Patre, qui in altissimo illo monte, et quod iteraverit id mandatum ut destruerent me prorsus; cum dixi illis, quod esset diabolus qui ibi apparet, quem vocant deum patrem, hoc negabant, ostensum quoque quod hisceret sub illo mons et ille dejectus in infernum, sed successerunt alii, qui quoque dejecti sunt, dicebant quod scirent quod homines sint qui ibi, sed quod deus pater in illis et per illos, loquatur, ille apparet sedere ibi in throno argenteo, et cum inquisitum est, est ille mons qui dicitur esse mons conventus ad latera septentrionis, ubi Lucifer, secundum illa apud Esajam Cap. XIV, ita quod esset Lucifer; est etiam mons ille ad latera septentrionis; erant diaboli, qui ex pruritu et libidine imperandi assurgunt, et se faciunt deum patrem; legi coram illis verba Esajae, simplices eorum agnoverunt, sed non docti eorum, ut Jesuitae et alii, qui corde athei. Hi consultarunt hoc, quod etiam dicebant, quod ita facerent, et persuaderent simplicibus, quod ibi Deus pater, et in illo monte, qui mons conventus, admitterent tales.

[5[082] 1/2. Longo tempore post similis positus est proclamatus pro deo patre ad exhortationem non voluerunt desistere ab agnitione, ideo infernalis diabolicus ex illo erupit quasi consumsit facinorosos, qui tale monstrum ibi posuerunt.

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