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《灵界经历》 第5083节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5083

5083. About the Dragon

Those who are dragons, whom [one reads] about in Revelation, are those who study the Word but do not concern themselves about any doctrine from it and stick strictly to the sense of the letter, and then, on the whole, read the Word for no other purpose than becoming great in the world. Those who do this are the dragon because the sense of the letter is the lowest [level of meaning] and corresponds to the sensual level in a person, for the sense of the letter of the Word is phrased in accord with the sensual level in a person, which has its base in the world. And because it is put in worldly and earthly terms, it is consequently addressed to the grasp of children and the simple.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5083


They who are the dragons who are spoken of in the Apocalypse, are those who study the Word but do not care for any doctrine thence, and remain strictly in the sense of the letter; and also, at the same time, read the Word for no other end than that they may become great in the world. They who do so are the dragon, for the reason that the sense of the letter is the ultimate, and answers to the sensual degree in man; for the sense of the letter of the Word is in accordance with the sensual of man which exists in the world; and since it is thus, it is in accordance with worldly and terrestrial things: it is, therefore, addressed to the apprehension of children and the simple.

Experientiae Spirituales 5083 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5083. De Dracone

Qui dracones sunt, de quibus in Apocalypsi, sunt illi qui student Verbo, sed non curant aliquam doctrinam inde, et qui manent stricte in sensu literae, et tunc simul Verbum non alio fine legunt, quam ut magnifiant in mundo; qui hoc faciunt sunt draco, ex causa quia sensus literae est ultimus, et correspondet sensuali apud hominem, nam sensus literae Verbi est secundum sensuale hominis, quod exstat mundo, et quia sic secundum mundana et terrestria, ita ad captum infantum et simplicium, dictum est.

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