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《灵界经历》 第5111节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5111

5111. That the evil can be purged in this way, and as a result their inner regions be closed, is because as a result they thus turn themselves to their own loves. Wherever they turn themselves, their loves are before them there where they are, however far they roam. They cannot be turned in a different direction except by the Lord alone, and by this return to their earlier state, which it has been granted me to see several times. Nevertheless, they are let back into their own state, and they relapse into it of themselves because they love the things that belong to their state, and they keep on both tending and inclining toward them.

Continued p. ??? [5148]

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5111

5111. That the evil can be thus vastated, and interiors thus closed up, is because, in this way, they turn themselves to their loves. Whithersoever they turn themselves, their loves are in front of them, thus where they are, howsoever they may wander about. They are unable to be turned, and by that means to return to the former state, from any other source - save only by the Lord - which also it was granted me to see on several occasions; but, still, they are remitted into their own state and glide back into it of themselves, because they love those things which belong to that state, and verge and incline thither continually. The Continuation is at page 322 [No. 5148].

Experientiae Spirituales 5111 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5111. Quod mali ita vastari possint, et quod sic occludi interiora, est quia sic vertunt se ad suos amores, quocunque se vertant amores eorum sunt antrorsum, ita ubi illi sunt, utcunque circumvagantur: aliunde verti nequeunt, nisi solum a Domino, et per id redire in statum priorem, quod etiam aliquoties videre datum est, sed usque remittuntur in suum statum, et a se relabuntur in illum, quia illa quae status illius sunt amant, et illuc continuo et vergunt et inclinant.

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