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《灵界经历》 第5148节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5148

5148. Continuation about purging, and about hypocrites

About hell and heaven

I also saw two who were purged by being taken around. There was one who in the world had learned the trick of speaking from a feeling of love, from a sincere heart, from a caring concern, [and] from an innocent heart, when yet inwardly he was one of the worst devils (Er[ik] Benz[elius] 1). He was taken around and held in similar affections and was shown to all those with whom he had contact, and it was also seen what kind of devil he was. He was among the worst hypocrites because he was able to feign innocence, and then they turned away As a result, all these more inward qualities by which he had contact with them were closed. This went on for an hour, and then he was taken around two more times. At the end nothing appeared other than rows of teeth, because this is how hypocrites look. He was one of the worse, because he put pressure on the front teeth, on both sides, and produced a severe ache.


1. Erik Benzelius the Elder (1632-1709), Swedish theologian and Archbishop of Uppsala.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5148


I also saw two who were vastated by being led about. One of them has learned, by art [acquired] in the world, to speak from the affection of love from sincerity, from charity, and even from innocence; when, nevertheless, inwardly, he was among the worst of devils (Ericus Benzelius). He was led about, and then detained in like affections, and exhibited to all those with whom he held communication; and it was also seen what sort of devil he was. He was a hypocrite of the worst sort, because he could counterfeit innocence. And then they all were turned away [from him]. Consequently, all those interiors which had communication with them, were closed. This lasted an hour's time; and, then, he was again led about, twice. At length, there appeared nothing else than a bundle of teeth; for hypocrites appear thus. This one was worse [than most]; for he pressed upon the front teeth, on both sides, and induced a heavy pain.

Experientiae Spirituales 5148 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5148. Continuatio de vastatione, et de hypocritis

De inferno et coelo

Vidi etiam binos qui per circumlationem vastati, unus qui didicit arte in mundo loqui ex affectione amoris, ex sinceritate, charitate, imo ex innocentia, cum tamen intus esset ex pessimis diabolis, (Er. Benz.), is circumlatus, et tunc detentus in similibus affectionibus, et ostensus omnibus illis cum quibus communicationem habuit, et quoque visus qualis diabolus erat, erat hypocrita inter pessimos, quia innocentiam potuit mentiri, et tunc omnes illi vertebantur, inde occludebantur omnia illa interiora, [per] quae cum illis communicationem habebat; hoc perstabat horario tempore, ac dein bis iterum circumlatus: tandem apparebat nihil aliud quam crates dentium, nam hypocritae apparent ita, hic pejus; incumbebat enim dentibus qui antrorsum, utrinque, ac gravedinem induxit.

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