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《灵界经历》 第5119节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5119

5119. Around them where they are, they see countless things: they have formal parks, fields, palaces, with countless things contained in the individual details there. All and the least details there are symbolic displays of the Divine, with inexpressible variety, with perpetual variation and in the most perfect forms, and in a splendor like that from the most precious stones, gold, silver, transparent in various degrees. But those who are angels are certainly delighted by the things that are seen, but especially from those things displayed in them, thus from Divine things, certain of which stir feelings of joy, certain others feelings of love.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5119

5119. Where they are, they see, near them, innumerable things. They have paradises, plains, palaces, with innumerable details in every single thing there. All and everyone of the things there are representative of the Divine, with ineffable variety, with perpetual variation and in the most perfect forms; and in a brightness - such as there is from the most precious stones, gold and silver - pellucid in different ways. But they who are angels are, indeed, delighted with the sight of these, but principally with what is represented in them, thus, with Divine things, some of which call forth affections of joy, others affections of love.

Experientiae Spirituales 5119 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5119. Vident apud se ubi sunt innumerabilia, habent paradisos, campestria, palatia, cum innumerabilibus in singulis ibi; omnia et singula ibi sunt repraesentativa Divini, cum ineffabili varietate, cum perpetua variatione, et in formis perfectissimis, inque splendore sicut ex pretiosissimis lapidibus, auro, argento, pellucidis diversimode; sed qui angeli sunt delectantur quidem illis visis, sed imprimis ex illis quae in illis repraesentantur, ita ex Divinis, quorum quaedam affectiones gaudii, quaedam affectiones amoris excitant.

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