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《灵界经历》 第5128节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5128

5128. Afterwards, that gang, composed almost wholly of sirens, was cast down to another part of the mountain, from where they also spoke with me, saying that they had stopped in the middle of their descent and were then unable either to descend or to ascend. From this it was noticed that there was some reason for it, which became clear afterwards. There were some of these mountain dwellers of a heavenly nature in one part of the mountain who wanted to remain in that state, because they found pleasure in things that are worldly, earthly, and pleasing to their bodily senses. They were worse than the rest. It was on account of this too that they were in this part of the mountain, but they also were cast down from it. They descended toward the left and wanted to harm me from that place, due to the fact that they had been expelled from there, wanting to go back, but this was not granted, on which account they descended by a certain roundabout route to another place below in the valley.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5128

5128. Afterwards, that crew, which was composed almost wholly of sirens, was cast down to another part of the mountain, from which place also they spoke with me, saying that they halt in the midst of the descent, and can neither descend nor ascend; from which it was perceived that there was some reason therefore - which was afterwards manifested. Of those mountain-dwellers of the celestial genius there were some, at one part of the mountain, who wished to remain in that state, because they perceived delight in the worldly, terrestrial and corporeal things of their sensual (who, consequently, were worse than the rest); wherefore, also, they were at that part of the mountain; but they, likewise, were cast down from it. They descended towards the left, and desired to inflict evil on me, from that place, owing to the fact that, though they wished to return to the part they came from, they were expelled from it. But it was not permitted; wherefore, they descended, by a certain roundabout way, to another place, into the valley below.

Experientiae Spirituales 5128 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5128. Postea dejecta est illa turba, quae paene Sirenica, ad alteram partem montis, e quo loco mecum etiam loquebantur, dicentes, quod in medio descensu subsistant, et quod descendere nequeant, nec ascendere; ex quo animadvertebatur quod aliqua causa esset, quae postea manifestata, erant ex monticolis illis e genio coelesti ad partem unam montis, qui volebant manere in illo statu, quia jucundum percipiebant in mundanis, terrestribus, et corporeis sensualis eorum; ita qui essent pejores reliquis, quare etiam ad illam montis partem erant, sed illi quoque inde dejecti sunt, descendebant versus sinistrum, et inde mihi malum inferre volebant, ex eo quod inde expulsi, volentes redire, sed non datum fuit, quapropter per quendam circuitum descendebant ad alium locum, infra in vallem.

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