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《灵界经历》 第5129节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5129

5129. When this happened, in this part, where I was, an aura from a hell of hypocrites was then felt, which was channeled also to the mountain to those who were there. These too are such as can adopt good affections, for example, for God, for the salvation of mankind, for the motherland, and for companions, but only in respect to what is physically tangible, thus in respect to what is of an utterly outward nature. 1But their inward elements are nothing but evils which originate in the love of self, denying all these things, which evils are indeed inactive with them. When preaching and outwardly professing faith, in outward respects they are holy, pious, and devout. It is due to this that they bring on pain in the gums and so in the teeth, which in fact happens then, for they are of an utterly outward nature, holy and righteous in what can be seen; profane and impious inwardly, thus in entirely inverse order, which is turned totally from heaven to hell.

This happened for the purpose of increasingly different things in their outward, visible aspect being opened and that in this way they might be bettered in respect to it. The mountain dwellers said that they were not aware of those spirits' evils, namely of the hypocrites, since the evils were inactive, but when they were open to view they shuddered.


1. At this point in the margin is the word Ԉypocrisy"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5129

5129. When this took place, then, on this side where I was, there was felt a sphere from the hell of hypocrites; and that sphere was also extended towards the mountain, to those who were there. Those [in that hell], also, are such that they are able to put on good affections - as in favor of God, the salvation of men, their country, and also in favor of their fellows - but only so far as concerns the sensual, that is, as to the most external; but their interiors are nothing but the evils of self-love, which deny all these things. Their evils are also quiescent with them. When in preaching and external confession, they are [outwardly] holy, pious and devout. Hence it is, that they occasion pain in the gums and hence in the teeth, which also happened then; for they are exceedingly external - being holy and just in the sensual, and in the internal, profane and impious; consequently, they are in completely inverted order, which is, being wholly turned away from heaven and towards hell. This happened to the end that still other things may be opened in their sensual [i.e. that of the mountain-dwellers] and that they may thus be amended as to those. The mountain-dwellers said that they do not perceive the evils of those, that is, of the hypocrites - for they were quiescent; but, when they were laid bare, they were then horrified.

Experientiae Spirituales 5129 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5129. Cum hoc factum est, tunc a parte hac, ubi eram, sphaera ex inferno hypocritarum sentiebatur, et illa sphaera quoque derivabatur versus montem ad illos qui ibi; illi quoque tales sunt, quod induere possint affectiones bonas, ut pro Deo, pro salute hominum, pro patria, proque sociis, solum quoad sensuale ita quoad maxime externum, sed interiora illorum sunt non nisi quam mala, quae amoris sui, negantes omnia illa, quae mala etiam quiescunt apud illos, quando in praedicatione et confessione externa sancti, pii, devoti sunt; inde est quod illi inferant gingivis et inde dentibus dolorem, quod etiam tunc factum, nam sunt maxime externi, in sensuali sancti et justi, in interno prophani, et impii, ita in ordine prorsus inverso, qui a coelo vertitur prorsus ad infernum. Hoc factum est ob causam, ut adhuc alia aperirentur in sensuali illorum, et quod sic emendarentur quoad illud: dicebant monticolae quod non sentiant mala illorum, nempe hypocritarum, quoniam quiescebant, sed cum aperiebantur, tunc abhorrescerent. 1


1. Sidebar: Hypocritae

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