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《灵界经历》 第5131节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5131

5131. Then I spoke with the mountain dwellers about beards, saying that from them they could know people, what their nature on the sensual level is, and that one of them from the heavenly Kingdom had spoken with Moses, from which the Jews had gotten idea that Jehovah has a white beard. It was also said that the Word in its letter can be compared to those things in man that are seen outwardly, and in some places to a beard and in certain to hair, to certain parts of the face and limbs, where it is bare; and that the angels can perceive, when granted by the Lord, what the things there correspond to. For the Word in its whole complex is like one Human being as to all and each part, inwardly and outwardly, and that this Man is like the Lord's Human was in the world, on which account the Lord is called the Word, John 1.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5131

5131. I spoke afterwards with the mountain-dwellers about the beard, that they could from that be distinguished as to the quality of their sensual; also, that it was one of those from the Celestial Kingdom who spoke with Moses; owing to which facts the Jews took up the opinion that Jehovah has a white beard. It was also said, that the Word, in the letter, can be compared with those things in man which appear outwardly, as for example, in some parts to the beard and hairs, and in some to the face and those limbs which are not clothed; and that angels are able, when it is allowed by the Lord, to perceive what it is there that corresponds; for the Word, in its whole complex, is as one Man as to all and everyone of its constituents, within and without; and that that Man is like the Lord's Human was, in the world; wherefore, the Lord is called the Word (John 1).

Experientiae Spirituales 5131 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5131. Loquebar dein cum monticolis de barba, quod inde nosci possent, quale eorum sensuale est; et quod unus ex illis e coelesti Regno, loquutus sit cum Mosche, quare Judaei opinionem ceperunt, quod Jehovah sit in barba alba; dictum etiam quod Verbum in litera comparari possit illis apud hominem, quae extrinsecus apparent, ac aliquibus in locis barbae, et crinibus, quibusdam faciei et membris, ubi nudum; et quod angeli percipere possint, cum datur a Domino, quidnam ibi correspondet; nam Verbum in toto complexu est sicut unus Homo, quoad omnia et singula, intus et extus; et quod ille Homo sit sicut Domini Humanum fuit in mundo, quapropter vocatur Dominus Verbum, Joh. I.

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