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《灵界经历》 第5132节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5132

5132. About the purging of certain men, who [were cast down] to hell,

Bergenst[ierna] 1, a hypocrite

It was said that there are certain ones who are carried around, and in this way their inward elements are closed. They are purged in this way. There are others, however, who are not carried around and are still purged, for they sit stationary in one place and there do evil to others. Using outwardly holy things and acts, they persuade upright spirits that they are being helpful, and actually they are planning to do evil with it. They give many reasons, which they use to persuade the upright, why they themselves are good and others evil and ought to endure temptations and be kept in them so that they may become better, and that this is pleasing to the Lord, besides much else. From this it is evident who those are who allow themselves to be persuaded. When they become known, they are removed and transferred to other places. This happens all around, as far as their aura of outward holiness extends. This results in their being closed off so that in the end they see nothing but their own evil loves, without inflow, that is, communication with the upright.


1. Johan Bergenstierna (1668-1748), Assessor in College of Mines.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5132


It was stated that some are led about, and, in this way, their interiors are closed and they are thus vastated. There are others, however, who are not carried about, and yet are vastated; for they remain in one place, and there do evil to others, persuading the upright, by means of their holiness in externals, that they are rendering assistance, and all the time they are purposing evil against them. They furnish many reasons, by means of which they induce the persuasion, about themselves, that they are good, and about others, that they are evil; also, that the latter ought to suffer temptations, and be held in them, in order that they may become better; and that this is pleasing to the Lord - besides many other things. It is thence ascertained who those are who suffer themselves to be persuaded; who, when known, are removed, and transferred to other places. This takes place all round about, as far as the sphere of his holy external reaches. Thus they are restrained; so that, at last, they regard nothing else but their own evil loves, being without influx from, or communication with, the upright.

Experientiae Spirituales 5132 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5132. De vastatione quorundam, qui ad infernum, Bergenst. hypocrita

Dictum est, quod quidam circumferantur, et sic occludantur interiora, ita vastentur; sunt autem alii, qui non circumferuntur, et usque vastantur; sedent enim in uno loco, et ibi malum faciunt aliis, persuadendo probis per sancta in externis, ut opem ferant, et malum cum illo cogitent; dicunt plures rationes per quas persuadent, de se quod boni, et de aliis quod mali, et quod sustinere debeant tentationes et teneri in illis, ut meliores fiant, et quod id placeat Domino, praeter plura alia; inde constat, quinam sunt qui se patiuntur persuaderi, qui cum noti, removentur, et transferuntur ad alia loca, hoc fit circumcirca, quousque sphaera sancti externi ejus se extendit, sic occluduntur, ut demum non aliud spectent quam suos amores malos, absque influxu seu communicatione cum probis.

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