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《灵界经历》 第5133节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5133

5133. This happened with the hypocrite Bergenst[ierna], who was such that in the world they believed him to be an upright person, acting in the interest of the neighbor, the country, the Church, and God, when nevertheless he had not acted in the interest of anyone except for himself. He was without any charity toward the neighbor and without any mercy. Within himself he denied everything of the Church and the Divine itself, and loved only himself and his own circle, and gain. Therefore he was totally taken up with outward matters. He spoke just as a man in the world, to the extent that spirits were amazed that he spoke in this way. He thought just as a person in the world. He had an intense effect on the gums and teeth of the left side. He was purged in the foregoing manner.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5133

5133. This happened with the hypocrite Bergenstjerna, who was of such a character, as, in the world, to be accounted an honorable man, in respect to the neighbor, his country, the Church and God, when, nevertheless, he cared for nothing except himself, being destitute of all charity towards the neighbor, and without any mercy. In himself he denied all things of the Church, and the Divine Itself; and only loved himself, and his own belongings and gain. Hence he was wholly in externals. He spoke like a man in the world, until spirits marveled at his speaking thus; and he thought as a man in the world. He operated chiefly into the gums and teeth of the left side. He was vastated in the way just described.

Experientiae Spirituales 5133 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5133. Hoc factum est cum hypocrita Bergenst. qui talis ut in mundo crediderint illum hominem sincerum, pro proximo, patria, Ecclesia, et pro Deo, cum tamen non fuit nisi pro semet, absque omni charitate erga proximum, absque omni misericordia, apud se negavit omnia Ecclesiae, ipsumque Divinum, et solum se amavit et suos, et lucrum; inde fuit in externis maxime, loquutus sicut homo in mundo, usque ut spiritus mirati quod ita loquutus, cogitavit sicut homo in mundo; operabatur maxime in gingivas et dentes sinistrae partis; ille ita vastatus est.

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