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《灵界经历》 第5141节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5141

5141. About the teeth and the bones, and their correspondences, and what they are like

Those in the other life who have studied various sciences and made no use of them correspond to the bones. Such are those who have studied mathematics merely for the purpose of discovering rules and have not looked for any use; those who have studied physics and chemistry only for the sake of experimenting not on account of any other use; and also those who have studied philosophical matters to invent rules and terms merely for the sake of terminology and for no other use, likewise in other fields. In addition, when those who make up the bones are reasoning, they dispute scarcely anything else than whether a thing exists or whether it does not. From this it is evident that the majority of the educated within the Church become bones. They are sensual in the lowest degree. Today the state of the Church is also on this level. Consequently it is at its end.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5141


In the other life, those correspond to the bones, who have studied various sciences but performed no use by their means; such as those who have studied mathematics merely to invent rules, and have not paid regard to use; those who [have studied] physics and chemistry merely for the sake of experiment, and for no other purpose; and, also, those who [have studied] philosophies in order to invent rules and terms, merely for the sake of the terms, and with no other use in view; and similarly in other things. Those, also, who become bones, when they argue, scarcely dispute any otherwise than whether a thing is, or is not. It is hence plain, that the greatest part of the learned, within the Church, become bones. They are those who are sensual in the last degree; and in this state also, at the present day, is the Church. Hence its end.

Experientiae Spirituales 5141 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5141. De dentibus et ossibus, et de correspondentia illorum, et quales illi sunt

Correspondent ossibus in altera vita, qui studuerunt variis scientiis, et nullum usum ex illis fecerunt, sicut qui studuerunt mathesi ad solum inveniendum regulas, et non spectaverunt usum, qui physicae et chymicae, solum experientiae causa ob nullum alium usum; qui etiam philosophicis, ad inveniendum regulas et voces, solum propter voces, et non alium usum, similiter in aliis; illi qui fiunt ossa, etiam cum ratiocinantur, vix aliter disputant, quam num sit, vel non sit, inde patet, quod maxima pars eruditorum intra Ecclesiam fiant ossa, sunt qui ultime sensuales, in hoc quoque statu hodie est Ecclesia; inde finis ejus.

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