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《灵界经历》 第5142节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5142

5142. I have spoken with those to whom the teeth correspond, who are those who had thought much about the base elements of the world, the particles making up earthly things. They fancied these had arisen from collision and as a result had been created round. These individuals, because they sought their life's pleasure in base things, corresponded to the teeth, and they plainly even flowed into my teeth, and because I did not hold a belief in agreement with them, my teeth were eaten away on the insides by that pressure and heavy pain resulted. They were a little above the front of the skull. They were heard there.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5142

5142. I spoke with those to whom the teeth correspond, who were those who have expended considerable thought upon the ultimate parts of the world and on the terrestrial particles. They supposed their origin was from collision, and that thence they became rounded. Since these have sought the delight of their life in lowest things, they corresponded to the teeth they also inflowed into my teeth, manifestly; and, because I did not hold an opinion in accordance with theirs, therefore my teeth were inwardly corroded by the pressure of this influx, and a heavy pain resulted. They were a little above the forehead: they were heard there.

Experientiae Spirituales 5142 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5142. Loquutus sum cum illis, quibus dentes correspondent, qui fuerunt illi qui multum cogitarunt de ultimis partibus mundi, de particulis terrestrium, illi putarunt ortas esse ex collisione, et inde factas rotundas, illi quia in ultimis quaesiverunt jucundum vitae suae, correspondebant dentibus, influebant etiam in meos dentes manifeste, et quia non concordem opinionem cum illis habui, ideo per incumben 250 tiam illam, et inde gravedinem dentes mei intus exesi sunt. Erant supra frontispicium paulo, ibi auditi.

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