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《灵界经历》 第5161节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5161

5161. About the hell of those who are cunning and act secretly, and after consideration and deliberation, and with discretion

Fr[ederik] Gy[llenborg] 1

There was a certain one on the left side at foot level, who lay there hidden for one or two days, and no one knew that he was there. He was such that he was able to retard my thoughts and take away the inflow from heaven to such an extent that I was not able to write the things that needed to be written. But finally he was discovered, and it was found out that he was the one who had done this. He said that he could do this wherever he wanted and many other things, and that he feared no one. Then it became known that he came from somewhere on a hill or small mountain behind at the left. Consequently I was led there by the Lord, but not onto this mountain but into a crypt under it into which all on the mountain were then descending and gathering there, because those who have a love of themselves appear on the mountain, but yet they are not there but below in a certain hell. When I was led down there, I spoke with them. They said that they were more skillful than others and were capable of greater insight into whether things would go well or not, in other words, that they enjoyed a more penetrating insight than others, and that they carry out everything secretly and in this way, using their skilled prudence, govern others in their kingdoms. And they said that they are not concerned about the Divine since He harms no one at all. It was learned that they have their eyes everywhere and exercise control of everything everywhere, doing well to those who obey them and inflicting injury on those who are not favorably disposed to them. I was taken by them down yet further into the crypts, where such were who were still more cunning. They said they could go out if they wanted, and nothing could frighten them. They did in fact go out, and when they thought they were traveling on a paved way, straight forward and a little to the rear, they were at that very moment all swallowed up in a chasm and carried away by hell, from which they could never again go out. It was said it is filled with excrement and is filthy there, and that they never appear after this, for they are more harmful than others. The chasm is behind to the left.


1. For information on this person see footnote for passage 4704.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5161


There was a certain one at the left side, in the plane of the foot, who lay hidden there for a day or two; and no one knew that he was there. He was of such a character that he was able to impede my thoughts and take away the influx from heaven; so that I should have been unable to write those things which had to be written.

But he was at length detected; and it was found that it was he [Gyllenborg] who had done it. He said that he was able to do this and many other things, whenever he wished; nor did he fear anyone. It was then made known that he came from certain ones, on a hill, or small mountain, at the left, towards the back. Wherefore, I was led down thither by the Lord; not, however, upon that mountain, but into a cavern under the mountain. Then, all who were upon the mountain came down thither, and there congregated; for they who are in self-love appear upon a mountain; still, however, they are not there, but, below, on some hill. When I was led down thither, I spoke with them. They said, that they were more skilful than others, and were able to perceive more keenly whether or not things were favorable, so that they enjoyed greater sharpsightedness than others; also, that they achieve all things secretly, and so rule over others, and also [succeed], in their rulings, by their sagacious foresight; and that they do not care for the Divine, inasmuch as it does no one any harm.

It was ascertained that they had their eyes everywhere, and ruled all things on every side; that they conferred benefits on those who carry out their will, and did mischief to those who do not favor them. I was admitted, by them, into caverns still more interior, where there were still more cunning ones of this description. They said, that they were able to go out if they wish, fearing no one. They also went out; and, when they supposed that they were going along a straight paved way, tending a little to the rear, all of them were then swallowed up in a chasm, and carried off by a hell whence they can never get out. It was said, that, in that hell, there is excrement and filth, and that they never appear afterwards; for they are pernicious above all others. That chasm is at the back, towards the left.

Experientiae Spirituales 5161 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5161. De inferno illorum qui astuti sunt, et clam agunt, et cum deliberatione et circumspectione, ac prudentia Fr. Gy.

Erat quidam a latere sinistro ad planum pedis, qui latebat ibi per unum aut alterum diem, ac nemo scivit quod ibi esset, ille talis erat, ut posset cogitationes meas retardare, et auferre influxum e coelo, adeo ut non potuissem scribere illa quae scribenda: sed tandem detectus est, et inventum quod ille esset qui id fecerat, is dixit, quod posset hoc facere ubicunque vellet, et plura, nec timeret aliquem; tunc notum factum est, quod venerit ex quibusdam super colle aut parvo monte ad sinistrum retro, quapropter illuc deductus sum a Domino, sed non super montem illum, verum in cryptam sub monte, illuc tunc defluebant omnes qui super monte, ac ibi congregati, nam qui in amore sui sunt, apparent super monte, sed usque non sunt ibi verum infra in inferno quodam; cum illuc deductus, loquebar cum illis, dicebant quod callidiores essent aliis, et perspicacius possent scire, num prosperabitur vel non, ita quod perspicacitate prae caeteris gauderent, et quod omnia clam agant, et sic regant alios, in regnis, sua prudentia callida, et quod non curent Divinum, quoniam is nulli nocet: expertum quod ubivis oculos haberent, et [eos] omnia ubique regere, ac benefacere illis qui sibi morem gerunt, et malefacere illis qui sibi [non] favent: ab illis immissus sum in cryptas adhuc interiores, ubi tales adhuc astutiores erant; illi dicebant, quod possent exire si velint, et [se] nullum timere, etiam exibant, et cum putabant se strata via ire recta et paulum retro, tunc deglutiti sunt omnes voragine, et ablati ab inferno, unde nusquam exire possunt; dicebatur quod ibi esset excrementosum et spurcum, et quod nusquam postea appareant; nam noxii sunt prae caeteris; vorago illa est a tergo versus sinistrum.

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