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《灵界经历》 第5162节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5162

5162. About the world of spirits and about those who are there

The world of spirits is not a certain place between heaven and hell, but is the state in which spirits are when they are between heaven and hell. In that state and so in that world are:

1. ) All in a state in which the understanding and the will do not act as one, when as yet thinking and willing differ, or what is the same, in which truth and good, or faith and love differ. From this can be established who those are who are in the world of spirits, and when they are there. They are namely those who are in that state.

2. ) Also in that state are all in whom inner and outer qualities disagree, specifically, when people want to appear to others as different than they are, and also when they speak differently than their actual thoughts are.

3. ) This to some extent actually coincides with the first. From these things it can be shown who in particular those are who are in the world of spirits. They are the following:

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5162


The world of spirits is not a fixed place, between heaven and hell; but it is the state in which people are when between heaven and hell. In that state, consequently in that world, are

(1) all, when in a state in which the understanding and will do not act as one, thus, when thought and will, or, what is the same, truth and good, or, what is also the same, faith and love, are not in agreement. Hence it may be manifest, who they are who are in the world of spirits, and when they are there, namely, they who are in that state, [when in it].

(2) Also in that state, are all with whom interiors and exteriors disagree: when, namely, a man wishes to appear other than he is, and also when he speaks other than he thinks, he is in that state.

(3) This kind, also, in a certain manner, coincides with the former. From these observations it may be manifest, who, specifically, are in the world of spirits. They are as follow:-

Experientiae Spirituales 5162 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5162. De mundo spirituum, et de illis qui ibi

Mundus spirituum non est certus locus, inter coelum et infernum, sed est status in quo sunt, quando inter coelum et inter infernum, sed est status in quo sunt, quando inter coelum et inter infernum; in illo statu proinde in illo mundo sunt

1) omnes quando in statu, dum intellectus et voluntas non unum agunt, ita cum adhuc dissidet cogitatio et voluntas, seu quod idem verum et bonum seu quod idem fides et amor, inde constare potest quinam sunt qui in mundo spirituum, et quando sunt, nempe qui in illo statu,

2) etiam in illo statu sunt, omnes, apud quos interiora et exteriora dissident, cum nempe homo vult alius apparere, quam est, et quoque cum aliter loquitur quam cogitat;

3) hoc quoque quoddammodo coincidit cum priori. Ex his constare potest quinam sunt, qui in mundo spirituum in specie, sunt qui sequuntur.

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