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《灵界经历》 第5163节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5163

5163. 1) People are in the world spirits as to their spirit from infancy to adulthood age, because they are in different states one after another and then in freedom, so that they can be reformed.

2. ) They are also in various particular states, depending on to their changes of state, but these variations are countless.

3. ) All people are in the world of spirits immediately on coming into the other life, because then they are in a varying state, up to the point when their understanding and their will act as one, and also up to the point when their inward and their outward qualities do not disagree. They must be one, not two, and not in between heaven and hell, but in the one or the other.

4. ) In the case of those who are going to come into heaven, their evils and falsities of evil are then separated, and in this way they are prepared for heaven. In the case of those who are evil, truths and goods are separated so that they are left in evils and the falsities stemming from them.

5. ) Also, at the beginning almost all have outward characteristics that are wiped away, and in this way they are prepared for life with spirits. At this time they are first involved in crass matters, and successively come into such as belong to the other life and are called spiritual.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5163


(1) Man, from infancy even to adult age, is in the world of spirits as to his spirit, because he is successively in different states, and is then in freedom, so that he can be reformed.

(2) He is also in a different state, in particular, according to the changes of [his general] state; but these variations are innumerable.

(3) All men, immediately they enter the other life, are in the world of spirits, because they are in a varying state until the man's intellectual and voluntary act as one, and also until his interiors and exteriors do not disagree: he must [eventually] be one, not two; neither must he be between heaven and hell, but in the one or the other.

(4) With those who are to enter into heaven, evils and the falses of evil are there and then separated, and they are thus prepared; and, with the evil, truths and goods are separated, in order that they may be in evils and the falses thence engendered.

(5) At first, also, nearly all are in externals, which are [presently] removed - and thus they are prepared for a life with spirits. [The man] is then, at first, in gross states; but he comes, successively, into such as properly belong to the other life, and are called spiritual.

Experientiae Spirituales 5163 (original Latin 1748-1764)


1) Homo ab infantia usque ad adultam aetatem est in mundo spirituum quoad spiritum suum, quia successive in diversis statibus, et tunc in libero est, ut possit reformari.

2) Est quoque in vario statu in particulari secundum mutationes status; sed hae variationes sunt innumerabiles.

3) In mundo spirituum sunt omnes homines statim cum veniunt in alteram vitam, quia tunc in statu vario, usque dum intellectuale et voluntarium ejus unum agant; et quoque usque dum interiora et exteriora ejus non dissideant, unus erit non duo, nec inter coelum et infernum, sed in uno aut altero.

4) Qui venturi in coelum, apud illos tunc separantur illius mala et falsa mali, et sic praeparantur: et apud malos separantur vera et bona, ut sint in malis et inde falsis. 5 Etiam primum in externis sunt paene omnes, quae absterguntur, et sic praeparantur ad vitam cum spiritibus; tunc in crassis primum est, et successive venit in talia quae alterius vitae sunt, et vocantur spiritualia.

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