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《灵界经历》 第517节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 517

517. Continuation about the inhabitants of Jupiter

# # 1because of the mild climate, and for that matter in a body just like we have on our planet, for a body was shown to me.) Thus they abhor the killing of people, and wars.

517. 1/2. They speak very little, but think more, and it is in a language rather of imagery than of words, in which they really excel. They can usually tell from each other's faces what they want, for they are trained to vary their expressions to show this. He tried to speak with me through thoughts alone, as he did not like words. But the power of imagery that brings out his thoughts is like speech without words. This is how he spoke with me, saying that he was a lowly spirit looking for the one and only Lord, so that he could come into heaven, for it was weighing upon his conscience that he had taken something away from a companion, of almost no value and which he believed that person was going to give to him.

They do not, however, look for their saints, or shining ones; these are only sought by their slaves.


1. Paragraphs 517-18 have been placed, as indicated by the author, after 521.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 517


Moreover, as to their body they are like us on this earth; a body was also shown me. Thus they abhor the killing of men and wars.

517 1/2. They speak very little, but they think the more, and their language in which they are skilled is imaginative rather than vocal. From the face of others they can for the most part know what they want, for they are taught to vary their face in this manner. As [the spirit with me] did not like words, he wanted to talk with me by means of thoughts alone. But the imagination, which brings forth the things that have been thought, is such as is speech without words; in this way did he speak with me. He said that he was a dark spirit seeking the One Only Lord in order that he might come into heaven; for it burdened his conscience that he had taken from a companion something of almost no value, which he supposed would have been given him. Moreover, they do not seek their saints, or the shining ones; these are only sought by their servants.


1. Numbers 517 to 522 are here printed in the order in which they were written. See Special Preface.

Experientiae Spirituales 517 (original Latin 1748-1764)

517. Continuatio de incolis Jovis

# # temperies, et praeterea corpore [praediti] sicut nos in hac tellure, corpus etiam mihi ostensum est), sic 1

abhorrent 2

necem hominum, et bella.

517a. Perparum loquuntur, sed cogitant magis, estque lingua potius imaginativa, quam vocalis, quam etiam callent, ex facie aliorum scire possunt utplurimum, quid velint, nam sic facies suas mutare edocentur; per cogitationes solas mecum loqui voluit, sic ut non amaret voces, sed talis est imaginatio, quae cogitata profert, sicut loquela absque vocibus, ita mecum 3

loquutus est, et dicebat se esse spiritum obscurum quaerentem unicum Dominum, ut posset venire in coelum, nam id gravabat conscientiam ejus, quod abstulerit quid a socio, nihili fere pretii, quod autumabat eum sibi daturum; praeterea non quaerunt sanctos suos seu lucidos, ii solum quaeruntur ab eorum servis.


1. The Manuscript has est, sic

2. The Manuscript has abhorent

3. imperfectum in the Manuscript

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