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《灵界经历》 第518节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 518

518. Moreover, as he said, spirits also associate with spirits, and spirits with people on earth, which is not surprising considering they are so adept in imagery. But they have three signals to prevent them from saying more to them than they are allowed, namely, that they see a seemingly old man with a white face, which is a sign that they should not say anything but the truth. Therefore they are careful about what they say. The second sign is that a face appears as if through a window, which is a sign that they should depart and speak no more. An old man was seen also by me, afterwards a face as if through a window, and at once the spirit seemed to depart, nor did he venture to speak further with me by that kind of imagery. 1


1. Paragraphs 517-18 have been placed, as indicated by the author, after 521.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 518

518. 1Furthermore, as he said, spirits with spirits, and spirits with men, have a consociated life which, as they are so imaginative, is not surprising. But they have three signs lest they should say more to them than they are given permission, namely, they see an apparently old man with a white face, which is a sign that they must say nothing but what is true, for which reason they are careful what they say. Another sign is that a face appears as though through a window, which is a sign that they must depart thence, and say no more. The old man was also seen by me, and afterwards a face as though through a window, and at once the spirit appeared to depart, nor did he dare speak with me any more by that kind of imagination.


1. Numbers 517 to 522 are here printed in the order in which they were written. See Special Preface.

Experientiae Spirituales 518 (original Latin 1748-1764)

518. Praeterea quoque spiritus cum spiritibus, et spiritus cum hominibus sociant vitam, ut dixit--quod 1

quia ita imaginativi sunt, non mirum--sed 2

tria signa habent, ne plus iis dicant, quam datur iis venia, nempe vident virum albae faciei, quasi antiquum, quod signum est, ne aliud dicant quam verum, quare cavent sibi, quid dicant; alterum signum est quod appareat facies quasi per fenestram, quod signum est, ut inde discedant, nec amplius loquantur 3

; visus est mihi etiam antiquus, postea facies quasi per fenestram, ac illico discedere videbatur, nec ausus est plura per imaginationis istius speciem mecum loqui.

Continuatio de cultu Domini 4

unici eorum


1. The Manuscript has dixit, quod

2. The Manuscript has mirum, sed

3. imperfectum in the Manuscript

4. imperfectum in the Manuscript

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