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《灵界经历》 第516节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 516

516. As for the second kind, namely, the veil [see 434-435], we on earth cannot be submitted to this either, for we know we are in the body, and cannot be thus concealed from any except a blind eye, nor be thus driven about to seek escape, because we know we are in the body.

But in place of that punishment we have this: when we want to recall truths to mind, or to write them down - even lucid and well thought-out truths - then the ideas are taken away, both in their general and particular form, and we cannot recall anything at all to memory. We are allowed to see something, as when a light is lit and then taken away or put out, and meanwhile we become inflamed with the desire to know it or write it down, and at the same time with indignation, and the determination to proceed, or even a [prompting from] the conscience not to give up.

These things in man correspond to [punishment by] veils with spirits, which are said to be of various kinds and species in spirits. 1748, the 23rd day of January. 1


1. Paragraphs 517-18 have been placed, as indicated by the author, after 521.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 516

516. As regards the other kind of torment, namely, the veil, man cannot be sent beneath this, for he knows that he is in the body and that thus he cannot be hidden away without the eye being blinded; nor can he be so acted upon as to burst forth from it, because he knows that he is in the body. But instead of that punishment there is this: that when he wants to recall to memory, or to write down, truths that have been clear and considered, the ideas in general and also in particular are then taken away, so that he cannot even recall to mind anything whatever. It is granted him, however, to see as when a light is kindled but is [at once] hidden or extinguished; and meanwhile the desire that he wants to know or to write is inflamed, and at the same time there is indignation, with the intention to persevere, or even from conscience not to give up. These things correspond to the veils of spirits, which are said to be of various genera and species among spirits. 1748, Jan. 23.

Experientiae Spirituales 516 (original Latin 1748-1764)

516. Quod alterum genus, nempe velum attinet [vide 434-435], homo nec sub id transmitti potest, nam novit quod in corpore est, et quod ita abscondi absque oculi coecitate nequeat, nec ita agi, ut erumpat, quia se novit 1

in corpore esse, sed pro eo supplicio habet, quod veritates etiam lucidae ac cogitatae, dum eas velit in memoriam revocare aut scribere, quod tunc auferantur ideae in communi, ut et in particulari, sic ut ne quidem possit in memoriam revocare aliquid, sed datur ei videre, sicut dum lux accenditur, sed illa absconditur seu exstinguitur, et interea accenditur cupiditas ut id scire aut scribere velit, et simul tunc indignatio, et cum animo perseverandi, vel etiam conscientia non intermittendi, haec correspondent velis spirituum, quae dicuntur variorum generum et variarum specierum esse in spiritibus. 1748, die 23 Jan.


1. imperfectum in the Manuscript

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