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《灵界经历》 第519节

(一滴水译本 2020--)






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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 519

519. About the inhabitants of Jupiter 1

1. ) Being desirous of knowing what kind of people are living on other planets, I have also been permitted to become acquainted with the inhabitants of Jupiter. For if there are planets, there must be rational and intelligent beings upon them, who relate everything they see to the glory of the creator - since nothing can exist in the universe that does not finally go back to the glory of God - and thus who are able by these means, to perceive things heavenly and Divine.

Their spirits are of three kinds. They who are of the lowest or reasoning kind, are black, or else dark, and they seek for those by whom they may be led to the One Only Lord, so that they may be changed, that is, become heavenly.

2. ) Besides this nation of spirits, there are also others whose faces shine like the Light from candles, and for the rest are dark; and they sit like idols, and let themselves be worshipped by slaves they had kept in the life of the body, for whom they call themselves intermediaries to the one only Lord in heaven, and they do not want them to get there except through their mediation.

3. ) Those whose faces are thus fiery are called saints, 2because they had convinced themselves that they had led a holy life in the body; as a result of this, their face shines and they are distinguished from the rest.

4. ) The best of these [spirits] are their angels, who are not of a white, but of a most beautiful sky blue color, interwoven with little sparks of gold. These are their angels and constitute their angelic heaven, and these they call the intermediary to the One Only Lord of the Universe.


1. Paragraphs 517-18 have been placed, as indicated by the author, after 521.

2. The Latin is "sancti," meaning "holy ones."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 519


It has also been permitted me to know the inhabitants of Jupiter, because of my desire to know what kind of men live on other earths. For if there are earths, there are also rational and intellectual beings on them, who refer all the things they see there to the glory of the Creator. There can be nothing in the universe which does not ultimately relate to the glory of God, and thus [serve] as means to those who can perceive things heavenly and Divine. The spirits of the inhabitants of Jupiter are of three kinds. Those who are the lowest or rational 2are black or dark, and they seek those by whom they may be led to the One Only Lord, so that they may become different, that is to say, heavenly. Besides this kind of spirits, there are others who shine in the face, like the light from candles, and they are also dark. They sit like idols, and suffer themselves to be adored by the servants whom they had had in the life of the body, for whom they say they are the mediators to the One Only Lord in heaven, and they are not willing for them to come thither except mediately [through them]. Those who are thus fiery as to the face are called saints, because they have persuaded themselves that they have lived a holy life in the body; hence they shine in the face, and are distinguished from the rest. The best of the Jovian spirits are their angels, who are clothed not in white, but in most beautiful blue, interwoven with sparks of gold. These are their angels and constitute their angelic heaven, and they say of them that they are the mediation to the One Only Lord of the universe.


1. Numbers 517 to 522 are here printed in the order in which they were written - after 521. See Special Preface.

2. Rationalis (rational) is in the MS.; this may possibly be a slip for naturalis (natural).

Experientiae Spirituales 519 (original Latin 1748-1764)

519. De incolis Jovis 1

Incolas Jovis mihi cognoscere quoque permissum est, quia cupido sciendi quales homines in aliis telluribus viverent, nam si tellures, etiam rationales et intellectuales, qui omnia quae ibi vident, referant ad gloriam creatoris nihil 2

in universo dari potest, quod non ad gloriam Dei se ultimo referat--et 3

sic mediis iis, qui percipere possunt coelestia et Divina. Eorum spiritus sunt triplicis generis: qui infimi sunt seu rationalis, sunt nigri, seu obscuri, ac quaerunt eos a quibus ducantur ad Unicum Dominum, ut alii fiant, nempe coelestes; praeter hanc spirituum gentem, sunt etiam alii, qui in facie lucent sicut Lux ex candelis, et praeterea obscuri sunt, et sedent sicut idola, seque patiuntur adorari a servis, quos in vita corporis habuerant, pro quibus se dicunt esse mediatores ad unicum Dominum in coelo, nec volunt, ut ii nisi mediate illuc veniant, ii qui ita ignei quoad faciem sunt, vocantur sancti, quia sibi persuaserunt quod vitam sanctam in corpore egerint, inde facie lucent, et distinguuntur a reliquis. Eorum optimi sunt angeli eorum, qui non colore albo sunt, sed pulcherrime coeruleo, cum intertextis scintillis auri, hi sunt eorum angeli, et constituunt coelum eorum angelicum; ac de iis dicunt, quod mediatio sint, ad Unicum Dominum, Universi.


1. 517-18 invenias conformiter auctoris indicio post 521 posita

2. The Manuscript has creatoris, nihil

3. The Manuscript has referant (sic!), et; in J.F.I. Tafel's edition referat pro referant substituit

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