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《灵界经历》 第520节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 520

520. One of their spirits of the lowest kind was brought to me, so that I might learn from him what they are like. As to his condition, this one was from among those who are dark, who seem to themselves to be flying in heaven, like swimmers in water, with their arms outstretched. This comes from the fact that in the life of the body, they do not walk upright, but creep, yet with their face looking straight forward, but not down, which to them is a disgrace, and characteristic of the very lowest kind. Those who look downward, they call the damned, and they are banished, to seek sustenance for themselves elsewhere. Besides this, like the people of our planet, they sit on seats, and are then upright. Therefore the second kind, called saintly, whose face looks fiery, do not swim in heaven like [the first], but sit.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 520

520. One of their spirits of the lowest kind was brought to me that I might thence know of what quality they are. As to his state he was dark, and he seemed to himself to be flying in heaven with arms extended, like swimmers in water. This arises from the fact that in the life of the body they do not walk erect, but creep, yet with the face looking forwards, but not downwards which with them is disgraceful and a mark of the vilest kind. Those who look downwards they called damned, and such are banished that they may seek food for themselves elsewhere. Moreover, like the men of our earth they sit upon seats, and then they are erect; hence the other kind which is called holy, and in whose face there is as it were something fiery, do not thus swim in heaven, but are seated. 1


1. According to the Index (s.v. Foviales), "In the life of the body they creep in their own fashion." Cf. AC 8371.

Experientiae Spirituales 520 (original Latin 1748-1764)

520. Unus eorum spiritus ex genere infimo ad me allatus est, ut inde scirem, quales sint, is, quoad ejus statum, erat [ex] obscuris, et [hi] sibi videntur volare in coelo, sicut natatores in aquis, brachiis extensis, quod inde venit, quia in vita corporis non erecti ambulant, sed repunt, antrorsum tamen facie eorum 1

spectante, non vero deorsum, quod apud eos est turpe, et generis vilissimi; qui deorsum spectant, eos vocant damnatos, et exterminantur, ut sibi victum quaerant aliunde, praeterea sedent sicut homines nostrae telluris super sedibus, et tunc erecti sunt, inde alterum genus, quod vocatur sanctum, et facie est quasi igneum, non sic natant in coelo, sed sedent.


1. The Manuscript has orum

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