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《灵界经历》 第5191节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5191

5191. It should be known that the more perfect angels are, the more perfectly they can think, as is the case with those who have a beautiful character, that is, who have a higher [degree of] goodness than others: they can think more wisely than the rest who are on a lower-level. These can never do this, because angels speak from the good and the truth they personally have, they are these. Consequently those who are on a lower-level can never be like those who are a higher one. It is also for this reason that those who are evil can never grasp what heavenly and spiritual good are, nor that what is true is true.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5191

5191. It should be known, that the more perfect the angels are, the more perfectly are they able to think; for [thought], with those who are in beauty, that is, in excellence, beyond others, is harmonious. These are able to think more wisely than the rest, who are in a lower degree. This, the latter are not at all able to do, because the angels speak from their own good, and their own truth; for they are these things. Thus, those who are in a lower degree can by no means [think] like those who are in a higher. Hence it is, that the evil can not at all understand what celestial and spiritual good is, nor that truth is truth.

Experientiae Spirituales 5191 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5191. Sciendum est, quod angeli quo perfectiores sunt, eo perfectius possunt cogitare, nam concordat cum illis, qui in pulchritudine, hoc est in bonitate prae aliis, illi possunt cogitare sapientius quam reliqui qui in inferiore gradu sunt, hi nequaquam hoc possunt, quia angeli loquuntur ex suo bono et suo vero, sunt enim illa, ita qui in inferiore gradu nequaquam possunt sicut qui in superiori; inde quoque est quod mali nullatenus possint capere quid bonum coeleste et spirituale, nec quod verum sit verum.

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