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《灵界经历》 第521节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 521

521. As for the planet's inhabitants, the one who spoke with me told, as mentioned, that they creep, and that they sit; and that they are not divided up into cities, and thus communal societies, as we are here, but into nations and families, as we were on our earth in ancient times. Asked whether one nation waged war with another, he answered calmly that they have no need for it, since they have all the necessities of life. (They are naked, # #

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 521

521. The spirit who spoke with me related in regard to the inhabitants of that planet that, as was said, they creep and sit; and that they are not divided into cities, and thus into general societies, as here, but into races and families as in ancient times on our earth. Being asked whether one race waged war with another, he replied mildly that they had no need, because they had all things requisite for life. They are naked, because such is the nature of their temperature [as to make clothes unnecessary].

Experientiae Spirituales 521 (original Latin 1748-1764)

521. Quod telluris incolas attinet, is mihi retulit, qui mecum loquutus, quod ut dictum repant, et quod sedeant; quodque non in urbes, et sic societates communes, ut hic, distincti sunt, sed in gentes et familias, ut antiquis temporibus in nostro orbe; quaesitus num una gens cum altera bellum gerat, respondebat mansuete, quod non opus habeant, quia omnia requisita vitae habent (sunt nudi, quia talis # #)

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