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《灵界经历》 第5202节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5202

5202. Continuation about the last judgment, and about the destruction of heaven and earth

The things said about purgings are for the most part about the Lutherans and the so-called Reformed

After many individual purgings were made, about which above [5184-5186, 5197-5198], and these groups, (and there were many), were thrown down from the mountains and rocks, and into ponds, swamps, lakes and quagmires from which they can never climb out, at the end of this certain ones came who put themselves above the others and stirred up their animosity towards the Lord and towards the Divine Truth, which is from Him. From this the whole mass of dough began to ferment, so to speak, and it was noted that the gang and this disturbance spread around on every side, onto 10 or 20 mountains and rocks: to those who were above them and to the gangs at their lowest parts. They spread even to the peaks, where heavens were believed to be, because to those who were below those who were there appeared like clouds, and heaven was believed to be there. Also, those in the crowds carried on like those below; and then some put themselves in command, and the rest joined in and helped them, for the sole purpose of destroying those who had Divine Truth from the Lord. Thus they were against the Lord.

[2] Consequently, when it was noticed that the contagion was spreading everywhere, then there was a general advent of the Lord. It appeared like a cloudy aura that was moved around over the mountains and rocks, carrying down all the inhabitants there - not throwing them down as before, but carrying them off. It did this in such a way that it was not seen where it came from, because this Divine aura passed into the inner regions of their will, or heart, and snatched them away and instantly transferred them to lower places and to hells with which they were interacting. And there were thousands. This happened within an hour from the Divine aura that moved around in a spiral, returning several times, in this way carrying down all those rebels. Those who were not carried down were not seen because they were hidden away. They were those who had not rebelled. The mountains themselves and the tops of the mountains receded and sank down, some all the way to plains. Cities were thrown down, and desolation was seen everywhere. This was the destruction of heaven and earth, which, in the genuine meaning of the Word, is meant by the last judgment, in place of which the new heaven and the new earth is awaited [Rev. 21:1].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5202


After the many particular vastations of which I spoke above 1were accomplished, and those companies, which were many, were thrust down from the mountains and rocks, and cast into ponds, marshes, lakes and gulfs, from which they can never ascend - there came, at length, certain ones who placed themselves above others, and incited souls against the Lord, and against the Divine Truth which is from Him. From these, the whole mass, as it were, began to be fermented; and it was observed, that that disturbance and tumult spread around, on every side, in from ten to twenty mountains and rocks, to those who were upon them and those who were beneath, at the foot and even to the summits, where it was believed the heavens were; for they who were there, appeared, to those lower down, like a mist; and it was believed, that the heavens were there. These also, equally with those who were below, got into the tumult; and then some exalted themselves, and the rest adhered to them, and aided them, for the sole purpose of destroying those who were in Divine Truth from the Lord; thus, [of acting] against the Lord. When, therefore, attention was turned to the fact that the contagion spread on every side, then there occurred a general Advent of the Lord. In appearance, it was like a cloudy sphere, which was borne about upon the mountains and rocks and carried down all the dwellers there - not by casting them down, as before, but by so bearing them away that it did not appear whence it occurred; for that Divine Sphere passed over into their interiors, which were of the will, or heart, and snatched them away, and they were transferred, in a moment, to lower places, and to the hells to which they corresponded; and this to the number of myriads. This was done inside of an hour's time. That Divine sphere was borne round about, in a circular course, returning several times; and thus it carried down all those who revolted. They who were not carried down, were not visible, because they were hidden. They were those who did not revolt. Those mountains and mountain-tops receded and sank down, some quite to the plain. The cities were cast down, and desolation appeared everywhere. This was the destruction of heaven and earth which, in the genuine sense, is meant by the Last Judgment, in the Word; and, in the place of these things, a new heaven and new earth [are now] looked for.


1. Nos. 5184-5186.

Experientiae Spirituales 5202 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5202. Continuatio de ultimo judicio, et de interitu coeli et terrae

Quae de vastatione, pleraque sunt de Lutheranis et Reformatis ita vocatis

Postquam plures vastationes particulares factae sunt, de quibus supra [5184-5186, 5197-5198], et illae cohortes, quae plures fuerunt, dejectae sunt e montibus et petris, et conjectae in stagna, paludes, lacus, et in voragines, unde nusquam possent ascendere, tandem venerunt quidam, qui se praetulerunt aliis, et excitarunt animos contra Dominum, ac contra Divinum Verum, quod ab Ipso, ex quibus coepit tota quasi massa fermentari, et observatum quod turba et tumultus ille pervaderet undequaque circum, in 10, ad 20 montes et petras, ad illos qui supra illos, et quae infra ad radices, etiam ad cacumina, ubi creditum quod coeli essent, nam illi qui ibi apparuerunt inferioribus sicut nimbus, et creditum quod ibi coeli, hi quoque in turbas se contulerunt similiter ac qui infra, et tunc praeferebant se aliqui, et caeteri adhaerebant, et illos adjuvabant, solum ad perdendum illos qui in Divino Vero a Domino erant, ita contra Dominum, cum itaque hoc animadversum, quod contagio creverit ubique, tunc Domini adventus fuit generalis, apparebat sicut sphaera nimbosa, quae circumferebatur super montes et petras, et devehebat omnes habitatores ibi, non dejiciendo illos ut prius, sed auferendo, sic ut non appareret unde, nam Divina illa sphaera transibat in eorum interiora quae voluntatis seu cordis, et abripuit eos, et transtulit momento ad loca inferiora et ad inferna, quibus correspondebant, et hoc ad myriades, hoc factum est intra horae tempus, ex sphaera illa Divina quae circumferebatur circumcirca in gyrum, aliquoties redeundo, et sic devehebat omnes illos qui rebellarunt, qui non devecti non visi sunt, quia absconditi, qui fuerunt qui non rebellarunt, ipsi montes et capita montium recedebant et subsidebant, quidam usque ad planitiem, urbes dejectae, et visa ubivis solitudo, hic erat interitus coeli et terrae, qui in genuino sensu in Verbo intelligitur per ultimum judicium, quorum loco exspectatur novum coelum et nova terra [Apoc. XXI: 1].

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