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《灵界经历》 第5210节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5210

5210. But in regard to Babylon itself and its destruction, these things were seen. In a wakeful version I was brought into a certain house similar to a mansion on the Capitoline Hill of Rome where a senator there had his residence; and I was introduced to him and spoke with him. He and some others together were trying to form a doctrine according to which they might live. They accepted some [of the things that I said], yet themselves approved of the Catholic monstrosities. I had conversations with them on various subjects.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5210

5210. But [concerning] Babylon itself, and its destruction, I saw the following things: - I was introduced, in a wakeful vision, into a certain house like the palace on the Capitoline hill at Rome, where [was] the seat of a senator there; I was also introduced to him, and spoke to him. He, in conjunction with some others, was endeavoring to form for themselves a doctrine according to which they might live. They accepted some things [which I told them], but still gave their assent to the Catholic extravagances. I said many things to them.

Experientiae Spirituales 5210 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5210. Sed [de] ipsa Babylonia, et de ejus destructione, haec visa sunt, introductus sum in visione vigili in quandam domum similem palatio in monte Capitolino Romae, ubi sedes senatoris ibi, et introductus ad illum, et loquutus cum illo, ille cum aliquibus aliis erant in conatu formare sibi doctrinam, secundum quam viverent, acceptabant aliqua, se usque catholica monstra approbabant: cum illis varia loquutus sum.

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