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《灵界经历》 第522节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 522

522. 1Continuation about their worship of the one only Lord 2

The Jews worship the dragon altogether as God

Today there were Jews around me. I could tell by the stench of mice [see 469], and later by a wave-like communication between them and the dragon, who was at a distance. I was able to learn that they worship the dragon as their God because they addressed their prayers to him, as to God. 1748, the 23rd day of January. 3


1. 519-521 have been placed according to the author's indications after 516.

2. There are here placed two circles with dots in their center.

3. There is a line separating this paragraph from the next one.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 522

522. 1There were Jews around me today, which I could know from the stench of mice, and afterwards from an undulating communication between them and the dragon who was stretched out at length. That they adore the dragon as their god, I was able to know from the fact that they directed their prayers to him as to a god. 1748, Jan. 23.


1. Numbers 517 to 522 are here printed in the order in which they were written. See Special Preface.

Experientiae Spirituales 522 (original Latin 1748-1764)

522. Quod Judaei prorsus adorent draconem, ut Deum


Hodie circa me erant Judaei, quod scire potui ex foetore murum [vide 469], et postea ex communicatione undulante inter eos et draconem qui elongabatur; quod ii adorent draconem, ut suum Deum, exinde scire potui, quod dirigerent preces suas ad eum, ut ad Deum. 1748, die 23 Jan.


1. 519-21 invenias conformiter auctoris indicio post 56 posita Continuatio de cultu unici Domini apud Jovis incolas

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