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《灵界经历》 第5211节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5211

5211. But all around were a great number of the kind of spirits that are called prelates, and also cardinals, and when they realized that I had spoken with him, and he seemed to accept some things about the Lord, they worked up a rebellion against those who were there. It was an enormous number who joined in the conspiracy. They stretched out on my right side, where the southern quarter lies. They attacked the house and began to break the windows and invade, saying that he had accepted some things from another religion. And while the conspiracy continued, I awoke and at the house's entrance saw a dead body as it were, which they wanted to pull out, but in vain.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5211

5211. But there was, round about, a multitude of such as are called prelates, and also cardinals; and, when they perceived that I spoke with that senator, and he seemed to accept certain things I said respecting the Lord, they organized a rebellion against those who were there. It was a vast multitude that entered into the conspiracy. They extended along my right side, where the quarter of the south is. The house was besieged, and they began to break in the windows and rush inside, saying that he accepted some doctrines of another religion; and, while the conspiracy was going on, I awoke, and saw at the entrance, as it were his dead body, which they wished to drag away, but in vain.

Experientiae Spirituales 5211 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5211. Sed circumcirca erant multitudo talium qui vocantur praelati, et quoque cardinales, et cum percipiebant quod loquutus cum illo, et is acceptare visus sit aliqua de Domino, moliebantur rebellionem contra illos qui ibi, erat ingens multitudo, quae conspirabant, extendebantur illi a latere meo dextro, ubi est plaga meridiei; obsidebatur domus, et incipiebant fenestras confringere, et invadere, dicendo quod acceptaverit aliqua ex alia religione, et cum perstabat conspiratio, evigilatus sum, et videbam ad introitum ejus tanquam corpus mortuum quod extrahere volebant, sed incassum.

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