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《灵界经历》 第5212节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5212

5212. After this, a conspiracy was exposed involving a great number of spirits like this stretched out over the mountains hills. When I saw this I again fell asleep then this conspiracy directed itself at me, attacking me on every side also in a long row the furthest border, by doing this trying destroy me entirely. But then I awoke was brought away there [to my original place] then their destruction bega They were almost all destroyed thrown into the fourth dark quagmire, spoken of [5204-5206]. Many thousands were destroyed thrown out this went on until the violence began be quieted.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5212

5212. Afterwards, the conspiracy, which involved a great multitude of such as were upon the hills for a very considerable extent around, was exposed. Whilst I saw this there, I fell asleep; and then that conspiracy was directed at me, they besieging me around on every side, and also in a long row extending to the farthest boundary, wishing, in this way, to destroy me utterly. But I then awoke, and was brought away from there; and, after that, their overthrow commenced. Nearly all were overthrown, and cast into that fourth gloomy gulf of which I spoke above. 1Many thousands were thus overthrown and cast in; and this, until the riot was quieted.


1. See n. 5106.

Experientiae Spirituales 5212 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5212. Postea detegebatur conspiratio, quae erat multitudo magna ex talibus super collibus ad multam extensionem: cum hoc videbam iterum in somnum veni, et tunc conspiratio illa se conferebat ad me, circum obsidendo me circumquaque, et quoque in longa serie ad ultimum terminum, volentes sic me prorsus perdere, sed tunc evigilatus, et deductus sum illuc, et tunc incipiebat destructio illorum, destruebantur paene omnes, et conjecti in voraginem quartam tenebricosam, de qua supra [5204-5206]; plura millia ita destructa et conjecta sunt, et hoc usque primum sedata est turba.

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