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《灵界经历》 第5214节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5214

5214. After this nearly fifty cardinals were seen, in their habits just as on earth, and I heard them speaking with the former. They were telling how they deal with the common people, namely, all those who don't worship them they throw into some pit, this took the place of the inquisition in the world, and how they dealt with many in this way. And also how, using their wicked art, they tried to strip them of life itself, which, however, is impossible, by ripping their heart out whenever they saw them and by racking them with various tortures. They did this simply because the common people did not worship them as gods. They left no power whatsoever to the Lord. Because their nature was like this, they were thrown into a lake of sulfur, which was first on the right side of it.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5214

5214. Behind these, were seen as many as fifty cardinals, attired just as on earth; and I heard them speaking with the former, of how they deal with the common people, namely, that they cast all of those who do not worship them into some pit, which was in place of the Inquisition in the world; and they serve many so; and they also strive, with abominable art, to deprive them of life itself (which, however, is impossible), by tearing out their heart: and this, moreover, just as often as they saw them. Thus [they attempted their life] by tormenting them with various tortures, for the sole reason that they did not worship them as gods. They leave no power at all to the Lord. Since this is their nature, they are cast into the lake of sulfur, but, at first, at the right side of it.

Experientiae Spirituales 5214 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5214. Post illos visi sunt cardinales usque ad quinquaginta, in suo habitu sicut in terra, et audivi loquentes cum illis, quomodo agunt cum vulgo, quod nempe omnes illos qui non adorant illos, conjiciant in aliquam foveam, quae loco inquisitionis in mundo esset, et sic plures, et quoque ex nefanda arte allaborabant deprivare illos ipsa vita, quod tamen impossibile, eripiendo cor eorum, et hoc quoties iterum visi, et sic cruciando illos per varias torturas; solum ex causa, quia non adorabant illos ut deos, illi prorsus nihil potestatis relinquunt Domino; hi quia tales conjecti sunt in stagnum sulphuris, quod primum a latere ejus dextro.

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