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《灵界经历》 第5213节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5213

5213. Then my sight was opened all the way to one of their border regions, where their aristocratic spirits reside who protect them all and direct [their activities]. There were as many as fifty. They devised wicked tricks to keep the common people obedient and worshiping them as deities and not thinking at all about God, still less about Christ. A multitude came to them and sought admission to heaven. They gave them whatever they could. They made promises and, with their wicked tricks, filled many places with various kinds of people, to whom they sent those who sought to be introduced into heaven. One place was for those who wanted to have heavenly delight. These were sent onto a high place above the rocks, and when they came there, everyone there was playing and dancing. The directors brought them into the dances, but when they had danced there a while, they got bored, and went down.

[2] Since they told others they want to have a different pleasure, which they called mental pleasure, the directors brought them down into a place where there were those who were laughing among themselves, and entertaining their minds in this way, but doing nothing other than sitting in such a frame of mind. But these too, because they were [lacking] any activity, felt bored. They withdrew and wanted to have other delights, so in the same way they were sent into societies where they had delights in the same way. Using such delusions director spirits seduced the simpleminded, having nothing else in mind than being worshiped as deities and that they could possess heaven. They said that this power had indeed been given to Peter, but that it had been given to them by God the Father, whom they also placed on high on some mountain. But these too were thrown into the quagmire, part of them into the first, part into the fourth.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5213

5213. After this, my sight was opened as far as one of their boundaries, where sat their leading men, who defended and directed all of them. There were as many as fifty. They devised heinous schemes, to the end that they might hold the common people in obedience, and that the latter might worship them as gods, and might not think at all about God, still less about Christ. A multitude came to them and sought to be admitted into heaven. They granted these whatever they were able to. They made them promises; and, by means of their abominable art, they filled many places with men, of various sorts, to whom they sent those who sought to be introduced into heaven. One place was for those who wished to possess heavenly joy. They were sent to a lofty place upon a rock; and, when they came thither, all who were there, sported, and danced, and brought them into the dances. But, after they had danced there for some time, they were affected with loathing, and came down; for they told others that they wished to have something else, which they called a marvel. By these, they were led away to a place where were those who made each other laugh, and brightened up their feelings in this way; but doing nothing else than sitting in such a condition. But, inasmuch as they had no active work, they were affected with loathing here also, and withdrew wishing for other joys. They were, therefore, sent into [other] such societies, in like manner, and with like results. By such mockeries, they [the evil] seduced the simple-minded, planning nothing else than to be worshipped as gods and possess heaven. They said that that power had indeed been given to Peter, but that it was given them by God the Father, whom they also placed aloft upon a certain mountain. But these, also, were cast into the gulfs; part into the first, and part into the fourth. 1


1. See n. 5206, above.

Experientiae Spirituales 5213 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5213. Dein aperiebatur visus usque ad terminum illorum unum, ubi sedebant optimates qui defendebant omnes et dirigebant, erant usque ad quinquaginta, illi artes nefandas excogitarunt, ut tenerent vulgus in obedientia, ac illos colerent ut numina, ac ut prorsus non cogitarent de Deo, minus de Christo; multitudo ad illos venit, et petebant intromitti in coelum, dabant illis quicquid potuerunt, illi polliciti sunt, et ex arte sua nefanda, plura loca impleverunt varii generis hominibus, ad quos mittebant illos qui petebant introduci in coelum, unus locus erat pro illis qui volebant habere gaudium coeleste, missi sunt in locum altum super petra, et cum illuc veniebant, omnes ibi ludebant et saltabant, adducebant illos in choreas, sed cum ibi aliquantum saltarunt taedio affecti sunt, et descendebant: illi etenim aliis dicebant quod vellent habere aliud gaudium, quod vocabant animi, ab illis deducti sunt in locum ubi erant qui inter se ridebant, et sic eorum animos laetificabant, sed nihil aliud agendo quam sedendo in tali statu, sed hi quia omni opera activa [carentes] erant, etiam taedio affecti, recedebant, et volebant alia gaudia habere, ita missi in tales societates similiter; talibus ludibriis simplices seducebant, nihil aliud cogitando, quam ut illi colerentur ut numina, et quod illi possiderent coelum; dicebant illi quod quidem illa potestas data fuerit Petro, sed quod illis a Deo patre, quem etiam ponebant in alto super aliquo monte: sed hi quoque conjecti sunt in voragines, partim in primam, partim in quartam.

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