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《灵界经历》 第5222节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5222

5222. The Lord compared the Kingdom of God to yeast [Matt. 13:33], to a person gathering weeds [ibid. 24ֳ0], and also to a net [ibid. 47ֵ0]. All these things are presented visually and seen in the other life. As regards yeast, an evil spirit is sent into societies on mountains, crags or hills, and rouses desires, as a result of which the whole multitude as it were ferments, certain ones acting in unity with him, certain not, certain disagreeing. Those who act in unity (with him) turn their face in that direction, those who do not turn their face away. Then all who turned their face (to him) are gathered into a group and thrown out of the mountain or crags into hell. This is the bundling of weeds. The ones who are thrown down to that place appear as if dragged in a net, and thus they are brought down to the place where they will be.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5222

5222. The Lord compares the Kingdom of God to leaven, to a man gathering tares, and also to a net. All of these are presented and seen in the other life. As respects the leaven an evil spirit is sent into societies that are upon the mountains, rocks, or hills, and inspires lusts; as a consequence of this, that whole multitude ferments, as it were. Some of them act in concert with him; some do not so act; some dissent. Those who act in concert with him, turn their faces towards him; those who do not act in concert, turn their faces away. Then, all those who turned their faces to him are gathered into one company, and cast out of the mountain, or rock, into hell. This is the gathering of the tares into bundles. Those who are cast down thither from those places, appear, as it were, to be drawn in a net; and they are thus brought down to the places where they are to be.

Experientiae Spirituales 5222 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5222. Dominus comparat Regnum Dei fermento [Matth. XIII: 33], homini colligenti zizania [ibid. 24-[30], et quoque reti [ibid. 47-[50], omnia illa sistuntur in altera vita et visa sunt; quod fermentum attinet, mittitur malus spiritus in societates quae super montibus, petris aut collibus, et inspirat cupidines, inde tota illa multitudo quasi fermentat, quidam unum agunt cum illo, quidam non ita unum, quidam dissentiunt, qui unum agunt vertunt illuc faciem, qui non unum agunt avertunt faciem. Tunc colliguntur omnes illi qui verterunt faciem in unam cohortem, et ejiciuntur e monte aut petra in infernum; hoc est fasciculatio zizaniarum: qui e locis illuc dejiciuntur apparent sicut trahi reti, et sic deduci ad loca ubi erunt.

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