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《灵界经历》 第5225节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5225

5225. I have seen sirens who make themselves into young girls, even young children, and boys and young men too. They clothe themselves in garments full of silver. In fact, I saw a certain one making herself like a little cloud, or shade, lying in a light's shadow in a room. I saw a man who was able to put on different appearances and change these in many ways put on the appearance of a noble, a king, a pope, and also of a peasant as well as of an armed soldier, and also the appearance of a beautiful young woman and of a woman of more advanced age, and always clothing himself in suitable garments, befitting the status of the person he assumed.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5225

5225. I saw sirens present themselves as girls and children and also as boys and youths. They clothe themselves with garments loaded with silver. Indeed, I saw a certain one presenting herself like a cloud, or shadow, lying in the shade of light, in a chamber. I saw a man who was able to induce on himself different faces, and to change them in various ways, also to put on the face of a noble, a king, a pope, and likewise of a rustic, as, too, of a soldier with arms, and also the face of a lovely maiden and of a beautiful woman of more advanced age; and he always clothed himself in suitable garments, thus, in garments fitted to the condition of the character he assumed.

Experientiae Spirituales 5225 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5225. Vidi sirenes [quae] se faciunt puellas, etiam infantes, et quoque pueros, et juvenes, induunt se vestimentis argento plenis, imo vidi aliquam se facientem sicut nebulam, aut umbram, jacentem in umbra lucis in camera; vidi virum, qui potuit sibi inducere diversas facies, et illas mutare multis modis, et induere faciem magnatis, regis, papae, et quoque rustici, ut et militis cum armis, et quoque faciem faeminae pulchrae adolescentulae et provectioris aetatis, et semper induere se vestibus congruentibus, ita secundum statum personae quam assumsit.

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