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《灵界经历》 第523节

(一滴水译本 2020--)








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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 523

523. 1Continuation about the worship of the one only Lord with the inhabitants of Jupiter

They say that they worship the one only Lord of heaven, whom they do not name by name, but know that the one only Lord rules all people. They therefore look for Him after death, and find Him, Who is Jesus Christ.

1. ) Asked whether they knew that the One Only Lord is Human, he replied that they all know He is Human, for by many of them, He had been seen as Human, and He Himself teaches them about truth, He cares for them, and they who believe in Him have life eternal.

2. ) He, the One Only Lord, governs their lives, and they do not worship idols, nor those saints who are intermediaries to the one only Lord for their own servants. So they live in innocence, love one another mutually, abhor wars, have the law written in their conscience or thought, and live according to it; and if they live otherwise, they are warned by their angels.

3. ) Moreover, because the general principles of how they should worship the one only Lord have been revealed to them in this way, therefore the children learn this from their parents. It is thus a doctrine passed by word of mouth among family members, which does not spread beyond the nation.

4. ) That He the One Lord had suffered, they do not know, because they live in such a state as to be taught by Himself.

5. ) After their death, they are led in this same way to His heaven. 1748, the 24th day of January.


1. There are here placed two circles with dots in their center.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 523


They say that they worship the One Only Lord of heaven, Whom they do not name, but they know that the One Only Lord governs all. They therefore seek Him after death, and they find Him, Who is Jesus Christ. When asked whether they knew that the One Only Lord is a Man, one of them replied that they all know that He is a Man, for He has been seen as a Man by many of them,

(1) and He Himself instructs them concerning the truth, preserves them, and those who believe in Him have eternal life. He, the One Only Lord, governs their lives; they adore neither idols nor those saints

(2) who are the mediators for their servants to the One Only Lord. In this manner do they live. They are in innocence, loving each other mutually. They abhor wars. They have written on their conscience, or thought, the law according to which they live, and if they live otherwise, they are admonished by their angels. Moreover, because it has been thus revealed as to its generals

(3) how they ought to worship the One Only Lord, children learn this from their parents, and in this way the doctrine is delivered by word of mouth to the families. This doctrine does not extend beyond that family. They do not know that that One Only Lord has suffered.

(4) Because they live in such a state and are instructed by Him, after their death,

(5) they are thus led to His heaven. 1748, Jan. 24. 1


1. Crossed out: "Such cannot be seduced by an evil spirit because they are rational, and their reason descends from their intellect to their knowledges."

Experientiae Spirituales 523 (original Latin 1748-1764)

523. Dicunt, quod colant unicum Dominum coeli, quem non nominant, sed sciunt, quod unicus Dominus regat omnes. Hunc ideo quaerunt post mortem, ac inveniunt, Qui est Jesus Christus; interrogatus, num scirent quod Unicus Dominus sit Homo, respondit, quod sciant omnes quod Homo sit, nam a multis eorum est visus ut Homo, ac Ipse instruit eos de veritate, conservat eos, et qui credunt in Ipsum, habent vitam aeternam, Ille Unicus Dominus regit eorum vitas, nec adorant idola, nec sanctos istos, qui mediatores sunt suis servis ad unicum Dominum, ita vivunt in innocentia , amant 1

se invicem, abhorrent bella, habent in conscientia seu cogitatione inscriptam legem, secundum quam vivant, et si aliter vivunt, ab angelis eorum advertuntur; praeterea quomodo colere debeant unicum Dominum, id, quia sic revelatum, quoad communia, discunt liberi a parentibus, sic est doctrina oretenus tradita in gentiles, quae non latius emanat, quam ad gentem. Quod Unus Ille Dominus passus fuerit, id ignorant, quia in tali statu vivunt, ac instruuntur ab Ipso, et post eorum mortem ita ducuntur ad coelum Ipsius. 1748, die 24 Jan.


1. hic ut alibi in the Manuscript -t finale ita scriptum est ut simulet -te quapropter in J.F.I. Tafel's edition amantes legit

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