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《灵界经历》 第524节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 524

524. The first from among the inhabitants of our planet to come to them was one of the worst spirits from the inhabitants of our planet. He could not approach them, for they felt at once that he was evil, even though he was practicing his cunning. Later another came who was good; him they welcomed, and liked to associate with him. Still another came, who was of an in-between character, not yet improved, and they did not want to admit him either. Thus they sense at once what those who come to them are like. So they are kept at a distance from them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 524

524. With the inhabitants of our earth who first came to them, there was a spirit who was one of the worst of the inhabitants of our earth. He was unable to draw near them. They instantly felt that he was evil, although he made use of his arts. Afterwards another came who was good; him they received and were willing to converse with him. Again another came who was of an intermediate disposition, not as yet made better; him they were unwilling to admit. In order that they may at once perceive of what quality those are who come to them, they are thus kept at a distance from them.

Experientiae Spirituales 524 (original Latin 1748-1764)

524. Qui ad eos venerunt ab incolis nostri 1

telluris, erat primum unus pessimorum nostri 2

telluris incolarum spiritus, is non potuit appropinquare ad eos, sentiebant illico, quod malus esset, tametsi arte sua usus; alius postea venit, qui bonus, illum acceptabant, et cum illo volebant conversari; iterum alius qui mediae indolis erat, nondum melioratus, eum nec volebant admittere; sic ut percipiant illico, quales sint, qui ad eos veniunt, sic ad distantiam ab iis tenentur.


1. tellus hic ut alibi masculine dicitur

2. vide annotationem a

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