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《灵界经历》 第5236节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5236

5236. Those of the crowd of that persuasion [i.e. the Roman Catholic], who have lived in mutual charity, and have done good according to their religion, rejoiced that this happened, saying, that they were previously hindered, by such ones, from thinking of the Lord, and were led astray in every manner; because these [who had been cast down] arrogated all things to themselves, and so obstructed the way to salvation. They took away from these [now treated of] all the means whereby they might be led, and whereby they might be instructed in the Lord's truths.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5236

5236. Those of the crowd of that persuasion [i.e. the Roman Catholic], who have lived in mutual charity, and have done good according to their religion, rejoiced that this happened, saying, that they were previously hindered, by such ones, from thinking of the Lord, and were led astray in every manner; because these [who had been cast down] arrogated all things to themselves, and so obstructed the way to salvation. They took away from these [now treated of] all the means whereby they might be led, and whereby they might be instructed in the Lord's truths.

Experientiae Spirituales 5236 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5236. Illi ex turba illius gentis, qui vixerunt in charitate mutua, et bonum fecerunt secundum religiosum suum, gaudebant quod hoc factum sit, dicentes, quod prius a talibus arcerentur cogitare de Domino, abducebantur omni modo, quia sibi vindicabant omnia, et sic praestruebant viam ad salutem, adimebant enim omnia media per quae docerentur, et per quae informarentur in veris Domini.

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