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《灵界经历》 第5237节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5237

5237. That great chasm below was enlarged immensely, so that there was an enormous underground hell into which they are carried around and held in order, for every hell is held in order. The process of arrangement into order in hell was seen in the southern quagmire, where angels were sent through whom the Lord arranged all things there into order. The order according to regions was seen there too. Those who are toward the south in that hell are those who are in nature's light more than others. And so on.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5237

5237. That great chasm was immensely enlarged below, so that it was a vast subterranean hell, in which those there were carried around and held in order; for every hell is in order. The arrangement into order, in hell, was beheld, in the southern gulf, whither angels were sent by whose means the Lord arranged in order all that were there. The order also appears in agreement with the quarters there; those who are at the south, in that hell, being those who are more in natural light than others, etc.

Experientiae Spirituales 5237 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5237. Hiatus ille magnus infra ampliabatur immensum, sic ut esset subterraneum infernum ingens, in quod circumferun81 tur et tenentur in ordine, nam unumquodvis infernum in ordine est. Dispositio in ordinem in inferno visa est in voragine meridionali, quo missi sunt angeli, per quos Dominus disponebat omnes ibi in ordinem; apparet ordo secundum plagas etiam ibi, qui ad meridiem in inferno illo sunt qui in lumine naturali plus quam alii, et sic porro.

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