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《灵界经历》 第5238节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5238

5238. That chasm of hell into which those who had held higher-ranking positions were thrown is kept closed below but is open above, and into it are thrust all those since the beginning of the Christian religion who had been like this, wherever they are found; and into it are thrown all like this who come into the other life, for this hell is now for the first time open or prepared for these. Consequently having been opened, it is held open continually. Afterwards I also saw them thrown down [there].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5238

5238. That infernal chasm into which were cast down those who have been in the loftier places, is kept closed beneath, but is open above; and thither are cast all who have been of such a character, wheresoever found, from the commencement of the Christian religion; into it, also, all such characters, who come from the world into the other life, are still cast; for that hell is now, for the first time, opened, or prepared for them. Hence it is always kept open above. I also saw some cast down afterwards.

Experientiae Spirituales 5238 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5238. Hiatus ille infernalis in quem dejecti sunt illi qui in eminentiori loco fuerunt tenetur infra clausus, sed supra apertus, et injiciuntur illuc omnes qui a principio religionis Christianae tales fuerunt, ubicunque inveniuntur, et in illum conjiciuntur omnes tales qui e mundo in alteram vitam veniunt, nam infernum illud nunc primum est apertum seu praeparatum pro illis, inde apertum tenetur supra jugiter; vidi postea etiam dejectos.

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